Benign then malignant



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2017
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  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Buster, you might be fine. I'm a leathery old bird and I was fine right up until the end where my neck looked like pork crackling. That said, I was obsessed for the first week or so and was convinced I could smell myself cooking.
    The burns have little to do with how dark or fair you are. The only difference is it is more obvious if you are fair and for me the pain wasn't so much the skin but the area under it. It passes. Marg xxx
  • buster
    buster Member Posts: 22
    Thank you ladies. I just thought the heat would slowly build not bam after the first session. Yes cant wait to see the nurse tomorrow and will lay off the moo goo and use the qv if that's what she wants. @Zoffiel I had a chuckle I bought pork crackling today actually. You ladies are so funny it makes me feel more normal. It will be interesting to see what happens to my little booby (.) as the days go on. I shall keep you lovely ladies posted. 
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear  @buster , I have recently finished 25 sessions of radiotherapy. I was lucky and didn't have any skin burning until week 4. The nurses at my clinic advised me to use pure sorbolene, applied quite thickly. I also used a saline solution (2 teapoons salt to 1 litre of boiled water; cooled and put in a spray bottle). I would spray the whole breast and under arm area, and lay down on a towel in front of a fan once a day for about 20 minutes, spraying every few minutes - very cooling. I was also given little containers of 'intrasite gel' to put on areas of skin which had broken instead of sorbolene. Lucky again; my skin has healed, just the nipple looks like a dried up raisin!
    Best wishes from jennyss
  • buster
    buster Member Posts: 22
    Thanks @jennyss for your advice. I have just been for radiation and the nurse said very unusual to be hot so quick but if a face washer worked great. She said things could have been stirred up and by the 3rd treatment hopefully should settle down until nearer the end. Hope so. She gave me QV wash, QV moisturizer three times a day and intense cream for night. Thanks again.