Experiences with Docetaxel, Herceptin, and Perjeta



  • Fiona2
    Fiona2 Member Posts: 69
    There are professionals out there who can help you with an exercise programme.  I went to an exercise physiologist with expertise in cancer treatment who wrote my out a programme.  You can get a referral from your GP for up to 6 subsidised sessions under a chronic disease care plan.  i was lucky enough to have a good friend who is a personal trainer who was happy to supervise me.  Some private hospitals offer exercise and gym programmes as a part of a recovery plan, though mine didn't.  There are PINC physios who also specialise in supporting women through all stages of cancer treatment and recovery who may be able to help you.  You could probably google these.  I particularly loved getting out on my bike up and down the bike trails a few times a week.  It is great that you have a supportive daughter there to encourage this part of your treatment and maybe get you going (gently) on the days where you might find it had to motivate yourself.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    There is also the Encore program ... by YWCA ... it is water based https://www.ywcaencore.org.au/
  • laureen
    laureen Member Posts: 1
    Second-time Breast Cancer the last one left breast 2005 lumpectomy, radiation, and tamoxifen this time all new to me Chemo, mastectomy, chemo then radiation. Where do I get the funds for the accommodation in Albury and travel cost I live 2hrs in Finley on a disability pension husband on carers. I started a go fund me all I got was 200.00. Have no saving due to husband lost job two yrs ago. No health insurance had to let it go what do I do. Can anyone tell me 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    edited October 2017
    Hi @laureen
    sounds like it has really hit you this time..... I have put some links to help you work out what supports are available for you. 
    It might be good to start your own post then it wont get mixed up with this one.... 

    Do you have a breast Care Nurse ? https//www.mcgrathfoundation.com.au/OurMission/OurNurses/FindANurse.aspx

    Are you entitled to the Isolated patients scheme. ? 


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @laureen
    Have you been in touch with the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre ?  They apparently have accomodation for patients and families.  If they are full they do help with external accommodation at a discounted rate and they will assist you with govt funding as well.  I am sure you get the travel allowance as well.
    Hope that helps you
    Summer   :)
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @laureen,
    Sorry to hear of your second breast cancer diagnosis.  You may like to call the helpline at Breast Cancer Network Australia, our phone number is 1800 500 258 and we are the cost of a local call from anywhere in Australia.  We have a breast care nurse and cancer nurse available on our helpline tonight who would be able to assist you with your query regarding accommodation.  The helpline is available from Monday to Friday from 9 am till 5 pm AEDST and on Tuesday and Thursdays we have extended hours and are open till 9 pm AEDST.

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    The cancer centre in Albury is, despite their hype, essentially a private facility. They are supposed to be making some effort to address equity of access issues so, @laureen before you get too involved with them try to make them give you some fee relief. It won't be easy and they will probably say that you will have to see one of the minions if you don't pay full fare but in your circumstances you won't find paying their usual fees (to see the oncologists) easy.
    Chemo treatment is free, so don't get too stressed about that. There is a rebate to stay in the accommodation units at Albury which are run by the Cure Cancer Foundation. Oddly, I found it was cheaper to drive the 120 km each way and claim the travel rebate, but my car is on gas so not E pensive to run.
    The other option is to go the GVH in Shepparton. The cancer centre there bulk bills and it is closer to you. Do not let them tell you you have to Albury, that is nonsense and part of a practice that won't stand too much scrutiny. You have a legal right to use the nearest safe facility. You will have to go to Albury for rads, unfortunately.
    PM me if you want some help with this, it is connected to a little crusade I'm on--which I can't discuss at the risk of being moderated.
  • Payne
    Payne Member Posts: 150
    Hi Mischa, Welcome to this site and sorry for your diagnosis.  I was diagnosed late October 2016. Grade 3 Stage 11A Her2 pos EP negative.  Lumpectomy R) and total axillary clearance.  2/17 positive lymph nodes.  Surgery first then 3-4 weeks later chemo. Docetaxol and Carboplatin with Herceptin via s/c.  Finished chemo March and Radio in May but continue with Herceptin until mid december.  I wore a cool cap so only suffered minimal hair thinning on top.  I did cut my hair after first cycle as texture changed and looked dull.  Day 2 till day 7 was a write off for me, so zero exercise.  The rest of the time just felt incredibly weak and some bone pain, especially following the injection to boost white blood cell production and as my house is on stilts with washing machine etc downstairs, was a challenge managing stairs.  Basically just had to stop after few steps and ended up bottom shuffling rest of the way.  The axillary clearance affected my Range of Movement in R) arm so only exercise I did was for that.   I didn't really suffer much nausea just a yucky feeling and taste buds affected.  A few sips of coke (which I never normally drink) cleared palate for short time prior to eating.   On treatment days I was given ice cold gloves to wear while the Docetaxol was infusing, supposed to minimise peripheral neuropathy (PN)  I did develop PN in fingers of both hands after cycle 4 but has improved to some degree.The constipation was a problem but learnt to start taking movicol day before treatment and continue for next 3-4 days.  After that the diarrhorea took over which had its own problems.   
    The surgeon and oncologist conferred on treatment and as tumor was only 12mm but with lymph node involvement, was decided surgery first and that I would only need lumpectomy.  I was incapable of making any decisions at the time so was grateful for surgeons advice. Your oncologist /surgeon/radio oncologist should be able to explain your options. and then let you make a choice.  

    I have found this site invaluable. Best of luck to you Mischa, stay in touch.

    Sue P