Should I take this further?



  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    And rememeber too they won’t apologise or send you flowers as that will then make them liable as they have admitted it’s there fault. (Which it is). So that won’t happen. Good luck with it all. Margie. 
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    You were injured through no fault of your own. You totally have a case and a right to be compensated for your pain and suffering. It was not unforseeablen and you shouldn't waste your time trying to get them to respond to your concerns. What gets them to jump into action is a pending court case. If you want to claim, get  a lawyer you're comfortable with and they will take it from there. The first consultation is usually free, just ask. They will tell you exactly the steps you need to go through including who to talk to. They will also give you an idea of payout figure. It may take up to a year and will probably be settled out of court.  Lawyers will tell you up front what percentage they get of your settlement fee. You may get several letters from the hospital or health dept saying they are not going to pay, they may even say you are at fault. Pay them no mind as this is standard procedure. Once they know there is a claim pending they will make sure to replace the drain as a court case costs more than a drain. Hope you feel better soon.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @AllyJay
    It is probably too early in their 35 days to respond to your complaint but am wondering if you have heard ?
    Hope your injuries are healing well.
    Summer   :)
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi there @Summerhill38 . I have sent a formal letter and am now on day 21 after the fall...still waiting for their response. My head wound just has me looking like rather a befuddled Frankenstein, just need a couple of bolts on either side of my head, and I'll be good to go!. The ribs are a bit better, I can at least breathe properly and am not just puffing at the top. The shoulder, well, it is still extremely painful to move, and the entire arm is cramping because it's not being moved. Aside from all that, things are improving, so onwards and upwards.
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    Glad to hear you are now on the onwards and upwards,I do hope that you have kept a photographic record of all of this and that you took the advice of seeing a solicitor, even a phone call to one would give you peace of mind as to what they will or will not be able to do, the fact that you had to spend so many days in the hospital is more than enough grounds for taking this further,good luck!! please keep us informed of how things progress,and I have taken your advice, never let your hubby or partner pack your case, I have a prepacked case in the bedroom ready to go if I ever need it!
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    @wendy55, yes indeed, a case packed by your significant other tends to have eleven pairs of panties, six singlets one nightie and an assortment of disreputable long winter jimjam pants that you only wear around the house. Dressing gowns don't get even a sniff in. Mine do however get packed with love, so this is said very much tongue in cheek. The next visit, my Bearded One has all the missing items with the help of a dictated note. I'll let you know when I hear further news, but yes, it has all been recorded and photographs taken, and legal advice has been sought.
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    so sorry to hear of this ... as @onemargie says, from working in education and gov I know that you need to fill in an incident report form...they should have presented you with that as in my prior work arenas it is mandatory.  Good luck and sorry for your 'accident' ... looks like it was waiting to happen!

  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Well well well. Finally got my famous letter, which basically says so sorry this happened, then waxes lyrical about the fact that they sprayed it bright yellow, before having it replaced....took four weeks for that to happen. Even told me the make and model of the new cover....aren't they clever!!!. Referred to me as a consumer, as if I'd been there to buy a chocolate ice cream and not attending a medical appointment!!. Spoke to the head honcho on the phone and told him in no uncertain terms how I felt. Was then told that they would magnanimously refund any out of pocket expenses, none medical as I'm a public patient (receipts needed and no loss of earnings as I'm a Domestic Goddess, other than that, quote, pursue the matter through legal channels. Great, so now I have to tell my Oncologist, Rheumatologist, Nephrologist, Cardiologist, and Surgeon (my Chopologist), as well as my physiotherapist (on land) and physiotherapist (in water) and even my podiatrist and Dracula's Bride who takes my routine bloods to all shift their bums over a bit, while I now find the time and energy to find a lawyer, and jump through all the legal hoops, before they do the right thing? Shame on them. I told him this and then ended off by saying to him that ***Hospital was not only dangerous to small boys, but that they had now added frail, middle aged cancer fighters to their hit list, and then slammed the phone down on him. A few weeks ago a five year old boy was seen and discharged from their emergency department and subsequently died five hours later in a different hospital.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Well, indeed. Pursue away, if you have the energy. A word of warning though, don't do it if you haven't got the headspace for a head fuck. 

    It's very likely given the latest response that you will find a no win no fee parasite willing to take up your case. Which doesn't mean you will win. If, in your capacity as domestic goddess, you have the time and feel inclined to play a tricky game of chess without taking any of the outcome too seriously, it could be hugely entertaining. Making yourself sick and having someone else waltz off with the majority of your payout is not a good plan. This stuff is much tougher on the client than it is on  their legal representative. Know what you are getting into and if you don't like the flavour, walk away. Mx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    PS. From an investigators perspective, what has happened to other people at that hospital, apart from others who may have face planted on that particular grate, is irrelevant. You are not to deviate from your own case. Please. :)
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @AllyJay
    I was thinking of you today as I took my hubby to a local public hospital.
    Wondering how you are getting on and how the legal eagles are doing with your specific case ?
    Hope you are feeling well and have recuperated.
    Summer   :)
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hey @AllyJay
    Any news from the hospital or legal people on your claim  ?
    Summer   :)
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi there @Summerhill38, hospital sent a "We're sorry for your unfortunate fall...etc...etc..." A follow up telephone call was basically a "We'll pay for any out of pocket expenses, (receipts required), otherwise, essentially, we'll see you in court. After much discussion with my family, I decided that my somewhat depleted physical and emotional reserves were better spent on my future health, and not on persuing the matter further. The lawyers would be big winners, and it would drag on for years. I have bigger fish to fry.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @AllyJay
    I am pleased to hear you have let it go - as you say, the emotional toll it would take is simply not worth it sometimes.  To challenge the might of these hospitals would take years, no doubt.
    Concentrating on your future health sounds like a good idea.
    Oh, by the way, I love your sense of humour in some of your responses to posts.  I get a giggle.
    Keep well.
    Summer   :)
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    @AllyJay your sanity if more important as you rightly say the lawyers would be the big winners!