St John's Wort

Member Posts: 261 ✭
Good afternoon ladies. Has anyone tried St John's Wort? I am occasionally a bit down and lately have started to have these anxiety attacks... weird. I decided to try the SJW, I have only been taking it since 30/09/17. And have actually been feeling happy often since!! (Just read my diary). And it seems to of started on the 1/10/17. Could this stuff be really that good - could it work so fast or is it mind over matter?? Researched a bit last night and found the usual controversy. Noticed that the dosage that seems to be sold in Australia is much higher than in USA. For anyone undergoing treatment still the Mayo clinic had a long list of dicey drug interactions - including some chemo drugs, and I also found it wasn't good for some thyroid conditions (that I now have) although it did say it increased the hormones, and my condition needs increases. Have to check with docs. I have used Zoloft for short periods and it just seemed to deaden the worry part of my brain, I knew I should be worried but didn't. But it didn't make me happy. This stuff is making me happy (sometimes a bit psycho happy) Any thoughts.
Hi @HIT, just thought I'd post the oink to The Memorial Sloane Kettering about herbs web app. It lists side effects etc if different herbs and their interaction on radiotherapy, chemo etc. You've probably already seen this site but I just reckon its an awesome resource!! keys=St+John%27s+wort&letter=
Xx Cath1 -
Thanks Cath, no I hadn't seen this site. It is good isn't it, so clear.1
Hi thank you for replying Cath. I decided to stop taking the SJW - your site had listed puerophal neuropathy (sorry about spelling) as a side effect (rare) and as I already have that thought it wasn't worth the risk. And interesting that they also said that some bipolar diagnosed had mania as a side effect. That word exactly described the super happy (verging on weirdly happy) feeling I got so fast... it was not particularly nice!! I am shocked that it worked so quickly, thought it would be a gentle was of evening out moods. Does make you realise that even "natural products" can be problematic. Was just wondering if anyone else had same reaction.0
Yes you had written that recently - I bought some - and it does taste better than just camomile, just have to get into the habit of using it!! I know I might have to use it for a while to feel the effects.0
Natural does not always mean good for us - Taxol and taxotere are derived I believe from a yew tree and arsenic is found in the natural environment!0
Hey @HIT, fantastic that the site was such an informative help. Its amazing the reactions our bodies can have, hope you find something that assists you. Years ago I used to suffer dreadful anxiety to the extent I would throw up for hours and need injections to stop me. My GP gave me a script for tablets to stop me throwing up and told me to go and do yoga. So I did. I have never thrown up from anxiety again and in fact learnt to read the warning signs that signalled I was getting too stressed. Totally invaluable and no medication needed. Hope this helps a bit. Xoxo Cath1
I agree with @socoda I think exercise of some kind is the key - I have found It difficult coping these past couple of months and have been very anxious and upset. A wise lady I know got me walking for an hour each day - I do feel better plus have managed to get back to a healthier diet and feel like my life is more manageable. I still worry about every twinge my body has since the breast cancer diagnosis but it is not on top of me anymore. But admit it was tough to take that first step - luckily for me someone gave me a nudge.1
PS I think I remember reading exercise releases endorphins which elevate your mood - a natural high I guess . Helps me sleep too which also helps dealing with things0
Bet you have an aversion to Yew trees now1
I walk to bus every day, but funnily enough that doesn't seem to do much, maybe cause they are 4 short stints and I have to get there on a timetable?? It in itself is a little stressful. Yes a good walk after work would probably help. Just gotta get my backside into gear and do it. Friends are a great way to go.