


  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Thanks @fionaf I'm in Perth so a little far but thanks anyway
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Just make sure they meet the standards and ask to see pics. I did all that before hand. It is expensive,  but it is your Face! You'll be saving money on hair treatments soon enough.  :D
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Did you get your eyebrows tattooed before treatment @primek ?
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    No I had mine done during treatment when I had half an eyebrow on each side and couldn't manage the eyebrow pencil...it would take me ages to look just okay. So I had it just after my last AC treatment...day 14 and all healed by the time I started taxol. Mine didn't even scab. I used paw paw cream on it. Where I lived nobody did this tattooing but then an experienced lady started coming out and I was one of her first customers. If you could do before would be better. I did lose all my eyebrows and lashes. Not all my eyebrows have returned 12 months on. 
  • Barney74
    Barney74 Member Posts: 89
    Hi Spiv1803 thats a great comment i havent really thought about my eyebrows .
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Personally I don't really care... after losing my hair I feel quite liberated ... easy showers! I'm up to chemo 3 of 6 on Monday so they might fall out then as seem to be thinning. I think I was quite vain in the past about my appearance. Now I am more concerned with my immune system and gastro intestinal health, Vitamins that are chemo approved, nutrition and exercise... the latter is my downfall and so important! Plus lots of complementary therapies at Solaris Cancer Centre.  I can understand people being concerned/worried but my priorities have really changed!
  • Jensen
    Jensen Member Posts: 8
    I decided to get my eyebrows tattooed before I started treatment and I can I honestly say I'm soooo happy with them!! My own eyebrows were pretty non existent anyway, but now I feel I will continue to get them retouched up even when chemo is over. They have faded a little and they do  apparently only last for 2 years. The cost of $600 was prohibitive but I was fortunate to find one of the online 'Deals' for $189 at a reputable beauty parlour. The beautician was so helpful and went out of her way to fit me in before I started my chemo. 
    Good luck with your journey x

  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    @Jensen, they look great and so do you. You totally rock  the bald look. Btw, does the Tatooing hurt lots.
  • Jensen
    Jensen Member Posts: 8
    Aww thank you!! And the tattooing is really not that bad...totally bearable! 
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Thanks everyone and @Jensen your brows look fab!
    for me it's not really a vanity thing, I really just want to keep my fears and anxieties at bay (if possible) by looking as normal as I can. I think the symbolism of hair loss is very scary.. and I want to be strong and fight and not be terrified.
    ps @viking1 I hope your chemo is going ok x
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    What I'd like to know is why isn't my leg and underarm hair falling out!  At least the chemo could be useful, hair wise that is!!!
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Oh, btw I am booked in to the Look Good Feel Better workshop at Solaris Cancer Centre at my Perth hospital this Sat. so looking forward to a fun morning!☺
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    That's crappy news about the leg hair! Bet that will happen to me too!
    but Saturday, yay!!!
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    My leg hair fell out...except the thicker black ones. ..grrrr. But my underarm hair did thankfully.  
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    Hi @Spiv1803
    I had my eyeliner, lips and brows tattooed 10 years ago, pre bc. The brows lasted the least amount of time. About 6 months later they needed doing again. The lips last about 3 years and the eyeliner about 5 years. I get them re-done as needed but found the brow upkeep too expensive. I was diagnosed in May this year and went straight to chemo which I'm still on. I really wish I'd had my eyebrows re-done before the chemo. I'd do it if I were you plus lips and eyeliner! My daughter dyes the few strands I have black, but they're only one hair thick now!