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A comment that cut right through my soul.........



  • Sam09
    Sam09 Member Posts: 149
    Thank you once again my friends for your advice and well wishes I really appreciate it. And fairy dust a big thank you I certainly think it looks lovely the workshop for five days and I think I will do it. I hope you consider the next one available perhaps I would be lucky enough to meet you there  :) perhaps it may be a little cold there though in august. But just what the doctor ordered for me ......a little time away with no one else to think of ahhhh such bliss. 
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Hi Sam,
    I'm sorry you had to be on the end of that comment. It sounds like you are a very loving and giving person. The trouble with that is you possibly expect others to be the same and as I've found out, people react very differently to cancer patients, especially family.  Down the line your husband is probably either not going to remember what he said, or beat himself up about it! You'd just had a lovely time out and were happy, and those comments were a slap in the face. The counselling sounds a good plan, even if your husband or family didn't want to go, you will be better armoured as you sound a gentle sensitive soul. We probably all have at least one comment that sticks in our throat from family or friends. My sister's reaction to my diagnosis was 'well the chemo and radiation will kill you anyway'.  Not what I wanted to hear. Later I got a sobbing apology. She has her issues and is not up to dealing with mine. I would have expected more as I would do anything for her, but that's not the way it is. I feel sad about it because I think ultimately she will beat herself up for distancing herself. But maybe not. I am learning that I can't control negative behaviour towards me, but I can control how I react. It still sucks that people aren't just kinder to each other.  Well, they are here, so here is a good place to be. You are awesome, remember that. xxx