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A comment that cut right through my soul.........

Sam09 Member Posts: 149
To all my sisters that read this that share my life without even knowing me I reach out to you for perhaps some guidence and comfort.  I have been in such a good place feeling well and happy well in saying that as happy as one can feel with metastic breast cancer I suppose....
Two days ago I returned from walking my beloved puppy dog something I adore doing spending time with him makes me happy. Upon returning home I asked a question to my husband a little request to turn on the hose to give our dog a drink after his walk.... his response was to snap at me angrily to wait... as he obviously thought washing his car he was to busy to stop for one moment for me...... I am not sure if I reserve the right  to feel the way I do however in my current position I almost think it manditory when one is happy and asking a simple question that all family would respond in a happy cheerful manner however this was not the case... I was so upset and one thing led to another in which I fully explained this to my husband and yes in tears and emotional . One comment out of anger that he spat at me in his response at what he believed was me over reacting was " Hurry up and die already" and to this moment he appears to have never thought about that comment again...... Oh but I have in fact I have had it in my head every minute every second since he has said it. All night long when I have awoke I have had it repeat over and over in my head.

I have had this disease for 14 long months and found it turned metastic 6 months ago. In the beginning I had messages of support from friends and family that meant the world to me however as the months dragged on they wittled away. I guess people have busy lives and forget other peoples problems. This is the case with even my family. One daughter lives overseas and with each email comes gushing excitement of her travels which I love to hear but no more How are you Mum? anymore. Today right now I feel so alone hurt and broken.
No one but my fellow sisters on this site which bound us by situation understands how I feel inside how hard it is to go on pretending life is normal and we know it isnt.

I know I find it hard when people snap at me over silly things to comprehend this. Things small things that are fixable easily when I am not.....  things that are a minor simple inconvenience and it now dawns on me that the only person who lives in this nightmare is me ..... all alone and when I am gone life will go on and the silly things that bother them that are gone in a second will still annoy them.     A few times my daughter who lives at home has said to me Mum does cancer give you the right to judge what makes other people cranky. Well other people Hell no!  

But I did think  perhaps my family that I cook clean and care for lovingly and relentlessly could always try to be nice to me not sometimes all the time.. and if sometimes I am not so happy then to perhaps understand why .. not jump down my neck.. It is a simple small ask that I can be surrounded by happy family members and be treated well WHY because it makes me feel happy and loved and right now I feel so alone in my nightmare that no one here understands 
                                          All by myself........... and the tears flow.



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    edited July 2017
    Oh Sam goodness there are some cutting things said in temper!  Try not to hang on to one comment as this is about you and being able to make the most of each day.  Yes we feel like we have become insignificant as family and friends go about their everyday without what we feel is no consideration for us.  Some shut us out and become defensive as they are not coping with us and what we represent, damned BC! 

    Please come on here and blog away as we are all here to help you through! 

    Have you taken advantage of the good things that are available to us, something for you and something for family?

    https://lgfb.org.au/  Look Good, Feel Better - that one is for you
    http://www.otisfoundation.org.au/  Otis Foundation - a free holiday for you and the family

    Please don't feel alone in this that is what we are here for, your virtual friends.   Sometime ago there was a discussion post on this forum that encouraged us to add inspirational quotes.  This one I have picked from my files; I hope it will help you get back on an even keel.  Remember your family love you they just don't know how to cope and the fly off the handle comments suggests just that.  Mum's, wives are the strength in the family!

    Take care and sending you a virtual hug xx

  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2017
    My heart goes out to you in your situation.
    I cannot pretend to fully understand how you feel, I am still only in early stages of treatment and do not yet know the full extent of my cancer. At this stage, not metastatic.
    Having a loved one snap at you when you are feeling so vulnerable and fragile can devastate you, I know. It plunges me into depression.
    I do feel that what your husband said is quite unforgivable.
    Yes, he is probably also feeling the stress of your diagnosis, the fear of the Unknown, the strain of constantly knowing he might lose you, and I am assuming you otherwise have a good relationship.
    That he said that and your feelings of desperation and isolation, indicates to me that you both need counselling. Can you access that? You really need to talk this out with someone who can help, even if he won't come too.
    Most Cancer Centres have free counselling services, your area McGrath breast care nurse can also arrange it.
    As the wife of a child with a mother with a terminal disease, I suggest that perhaps your daughter overseas is connecting with you by sharing what is going on in her life, maybe she feels that her feelings of enjoyment and describing the lovely things she is doing will lift your spirits, that is what my husband thought when he sent cards and letters to his mother while we were overseas.
    Unfortunately she didn't see it that way either, and felt he didn't care as he didn't ask how she was. Even though she told him each time they spoke that she didn't want to talk about her health?????

    While I feel the need to wrap you in a warm sisterly hug, I also feel the need to remind you that expecting everyone to be cheerful and happy with you is unrealistic.
    They are only human too and will feel angry, despairing, sad and impatient with life and this disease too. Families suffer with it in different ways, but it affects everyone. 

    Please seek out a counsellor to help you, no one should feel alone and unsupported with this horrid disease, they can help you to find the comfort and understanding that you need.

    I am sending you as much big sisterly support as I can to help you through this.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2017
    Dear @Sam09 thinking of you. That statement to you was verbally abusive and you have the right to be upset. Is there someone nearby you can chat to? Can you ring the Cancer Council and talk to one of the counsellors over the phone?  We are here for you. x 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    It is very difficult for those who don't have cancer to fully understand what's going on with you. For starters just the hormone management is like a perpetual conflict with your emotions. Its like PMT forever and it gets very hard to live with but we adjust somehow and get on with things.

    The second is the limited energy and that walk probably wore you down big time so that when you got back you were exhausted and short in your speech, just wanting the dog to get a drink so you could go and sit or lay down for a few minutes. Other people don't understand this. I know when I walk my dogs, I get home like I have run a marathon or something and I am only recovering from primary breast cancer. Yet still my family expect me to put on dinner quickly when all I want is half an hours rest first. They still haven't figured this out yet..

    My husband does most of the washing and housework as I am just too slow and I get dizzy if I try and move quickly and efficiently. We sort of had a role reversal years ago when I renovated houses and he managed the day to day house running so its not a shock to his system to do my work for me.
    Bit by bit teach your hubby and daughter to do what you do. Assess how vital it is. Washing floors all the time I have figured in the scale of things not to be all that important so my hubby and kids don't stay up all that will with it either but washing up and doing laundry is a huge help. Praise them every so often and they will love you for it.

    Commandeer your own spot in the house, or outside as I like to sit on our veranda at a table with my laptop, fan for hot flushes, and my jigsaw puzzle. My family come to me to talk and visit. I don't meddle with them unless they are asking advice. I am letting my family stand on their own feet without me although I do slip up and meddle sometimes lol.

    As for your hubbys comment to hurry up and die already, tell him not to be such a smart arse, he could just as easily die before you so he better cherish the time he has left. I bet he has totally forgotten his comment any way, men are funny beggars and wired much differently to us women. Big hugz from me to you. <3
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Hey Sam, I don't have any advice re your family but just wanted to give you some support.  My Aunt has stage 4 bowel cancer and I send her happy letters when I can, and don't often ask about her illness as its so hard to do via letter (I don't use the phone due to an illness so cant call her).  Its not that I don't care about her, I just want to share some happiness and lift her spirits.
  • Harlee
    Harlee Member Posts: 106
    Hi Sam I'm so sorry you feel that your family is letting you down.
    Please remember that you can't control what anyone else thinks, says or does - you can only control your reaction. Your family are going through this too - they are trying to come to terms with your illness and they aren't always going to be happy about it. 

    Mira said:

    Its not that I don't care about her, I just want to share some happiness and lift her spirits.

    Regarding your daughter who is OS I think this is very important - maybe your daughter doesn't want to dwell on your cancer - maybe she is trying to help you feel better by sharing her exciting stories. You say you love to hear them so concentrate on that  and don't waste time worrying about what she isn't saying. 
    As for your husbands comment - I've got nothing...
    After my treatment I have chemo brain and I constantly forget things. I would try to forget those horrid words as soon as possible.
    Sending you a big hug xxx
  • Payne
    Payne Member Posts: 150
    Hi there Sam,  I don't have any further advice to add to what the other ladies have offered.  I just wanted to let you know I can fully understand your feelings and am very sorry you feel 
    so alone.  Keep posting on this site. Sending you a big hug.
    Sue P
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    You feel alone but you probably are not. Sometimes I feel so empty and forget there are people around me.
    I would like to pass on something I was taught. Whenever you feel upset hurt cross or angered by someone this is the response. You see an image of the person and you wish them well. 
    You are not being hypocritcal you genuinely wish them the best in life. Say good health happy times etc. 
    So every time you remember your husbands words stop and send a genuine message of good feeling towards him.
    I was taught this technique when I was having a particular difficult time by an extremely unpopular supervisor.
    We had a visiting manager that for some reason we became friends and this was a technique she told me she used when dealing with co workers that were difficult.
    It actually works .

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    Oh Sam! I'm so sorry to hear of how you are feeling and the insensitive comments. I can't offer advice but my family were very unsupportive during my 16 months of treatment, particularly my husband. We almost split up over it. Then one day it all came to a head. We found ourselves crying in a corner at the local shopping precinct starting to talk for the first time in just over two years. Since then we have talked a lot more and I have realised just how traumatised my family were and that my husband in particular, was floundering. He didn't know what to do, so he did nothing. He was too scared to share his emotions with me because I had cancer and how could anything he had to say or complain about or vent about possibly compare to that. He tried to save me from extra stres
  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    Be sorry, it stopped working! He didn't want to stress me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that your family don't want to go through this either. They are sick of living it and hearing it and seeing it all day every day but how can they verbalise that. 
  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    Your husband will be feeling angry and scared and the lashing out is just a that coming out. It's not fair and totally unacceptable but it is what slips out sometimes. He is probably hoping you didn't take any notice of the comment and by pretending it didn't happen, he can move on. The emotions that go along with this is so very confronting for all. If you can talk to him about it in a moment of calm, do so otherwise perhaps see a counsellor to help you deal with their emotions. 
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi Sam,
    You are not alone here- my heart goes out to you. What a cruel comment your husband made- no excuse.I hope he apologised and if he didn't,then that is even more cruel.Could you join a local support group where you'll get hugs and understanding- I run one in the Hills area in Sydney if you live there. Sending hugs,Tonya xx
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612

    wendy55 said:

    We are always here for you to chat to, we UNDERSTAND, we GET IT, please be gentle on yourself and if you have a chance please ring the BCNA 1800 number to arrange a time to talk with someone...

    BCNA provides free, confidential, professional one-on-one counselling support to women and men with metastatic breast cancer, and their families. If you need someone to talk to, @Sam09, know that this is here for you. To find out more and book, please visit https://www.bcna.org.au/metastatic-breast-cancer/metastatic-breast-cancer-telephone-counselling/
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    Hi Sam just an idea. I am not using this site for advertising just informing you and others. There are residential courses run by Petrea King in Bunadoon.  The courses are called Quest for life and Healing your life.
    The courses are residential. They have sessions dealing with anxiety depression ,cancer and general problems in life.
    I am planning to go. What I liked the most was they provide lovely organic food but also serve tea and coffee .They also like using  butter and sugar. So food is not too extreme.
    The thought of spending 5 days alone and being served 3meals a day wow. 
    I am married but I enjoy timeout from my family. At times I love being alone and have had several solo holidays. It is expensive but I think well worth it.