I am in shock



  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    See Jo!? I love what @Nikkid did, and it was perfectly OK to do that! so its great hearing the different approaches! helps ease your mind too that waiting is absolutely fine. x M
  • Michelle49
    Michelle49 Member Posts: 37
    Hi coco
    I'll start by saying sorry you have to be here but now that you are take a breath, I am 18 days post mastectomy. I found a lump after I received a sharp pain in my right breast on 23rd April  , 24 th biopsy, 2nd may  meeting with breast surgeon, 3rd ct and bone scan, 9th back to surgeon, 16 more tests , 17th mastectomy, 18th another surgery due to a haematoma in my chest  and back home on the 20. That has been my journey so far. 
    With that said it is hard to get the news that you have breast cancer, it's scary! . Take each step at a time, just say to your self " right I'm here my next step is a biopsy " don't try and look into the future and think what if? That has been the best advise that I have gotten from the wonderful women on this site .
    The other advice that I have gotten and will give to you is , be selfish let people know when you don't want to talk and when you do,when to visit and when to leave you alone, take the time for you and your family to process each bit of information you are given and remember each and every women on this site will be there for you any time you need advice or an ear for you to voice your concerns. 
    Best wishes and keep breathing deep calming breaths you are not alone ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Welcome l wanted to next week for me it will be 5 years since l was diagnosed and its like yesterday. This is an experience like no other but you get through it emotionaly physicaly and mentally but it changes you and l love the new me. Yes good days bad days better days. Welcome adean xxx
  • SisterofCoco
    SisterofCoco Member Posts: 1
    Hi everyone , I'm Suzy and #Coco65 is my sister and she is an amazing sister and has raised 3 beautiful boys whom I adore. She is strong and will do whats needed when its needed and keep moving forward.  I am so grateful.and happy she found you all . I've read through the comments and know whatever she comes across you guys will help and advise her .... Thank you all so much you have already helped her more than you know . While Jojo's  diagnosis has rattled us all as as  she said we are 9 girls 2 boys and until now BC free and I know this will empower us all and we shall move forward with more  knowlege and awareness .... This isn't my first experience  with BC having very close friends whom I have had very close contact with all the highs and lows of this disease but when its your sister ....its on another level .... and I will be there for her as needed and I know here you all will be as well ...Jojo  has jumped up and got herself ready for this fight and I couldn't be prouder of her . #fightlikemysister #yougotthis #iloveyou xo 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey @SisterofCoco,  Suzy. A big welcome to you too. Please know that we are also here for you as well, as it's incredibly hard to watch a loved one go through this. You all sound like an incredibly loving close family and that will help all of you in supporting each other. Wishing you all the best. Big hug. Xx Cath
  • Coco65
    Coco65 Member Posts: 14
    @SisterofCoco this is supposed to be my no tears day! Love you too you help me to be strong! I am one determined lady!
  • Janjansupergran
    Janjansupergran Member Posts: 3
    Hi @Coco65 welcome, I am very new to this "club" too. Both my sister and I have been diagnosed this year but our journeys are quite different but we can relate to each other. I have 4 daughters and am worried for them. My Mum had bc too. I'm relatively early on in my treatment, had a partial 3 weeks ago, they found another mass that they didn't know was there when the pathology came back, going for an extra excision next week with sentinel node biopsy then if that's clear 5 weeks of radiotherapy. I don't have much advice to give you as I'm quite early in the process myself but you can only take one step at a time and deal with each new situation as it comes along. Good luck and keep talking xxoo