Income protection/tpd cover



  • MKitty68
    MKitty68 Member Posts: 261
    @melclarity  - yes, it states 90 days

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Im confused too LOL, best to talk direct and they'll be able to alleviate it all. My Income Protection only pays 65% of my full time salary, better than nothing, its for 2yrs, so since 2016 Ive worked 3 days and will til the end of the year and they pay 65% of the 2 days I don't work. Currently though since end of Feb im full time on income protection due to mastectomy/diep flap reconstruction. So am not in a hurry to go back to be honest as its a demanding job physically, mentally. So Im covered til Jan 2018, but thats it then have to work full time after that which is a major worry. x
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    Well I had a pretty upsetting day today after speaking with oncologist.
    When I mentioned income protection she looked baffled and said why plenty of people work through their treatment I also mentioned Im not ready to go back to work and am to have further reconstruction after my radiation and she says they just swope over the inplant . When I mention I'm having a deip recon she's counting months and was just not understanding at all . She first mentioned to take the form to my radiation oncologist then said go see a physiologist. Recommend one and then she'll speak with her . 
    I feel sad about I have such a non understanding oncologist. 
    I got a script for aromasin and an appointment to see her in six months . Or if any problems see her earlier . :( 
    crap !!! I have income protection and my oncologist thinks I should go back to work . 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    edited May 2017
    @Dandelion Sorry! I read your post/update and was FUMING!!!! Firstly, how dare your Oncologist tell you what you should or shouldn't do!!!  You know yes, lots of women work through and lots don't. I worked through first diagnosis rads in 2011, but 2015 there was no way through chemo. So what you do is go to your Radiologist, they are the one you need to speak to about it, you are entitled to use your Income Protection. My Oncologist only did mine I believe as I was suffering from the effects of chemo and said it can take a year or more to get over it. the other thing he documented in my paperwork to the insurance company was of Arimidex I am on and side effects that will prevent me working successfully in a full time capacity at what I do whilst I am on it. 

    So deep breath, the Oncologist only has to fill in the information of your diagnosis, the Radiologist should be able to take it from there. So go and see them, dont give up just yet! You could even take it up with your GP, as long as you have all your reports, they can recommend I think too. Hugs Melinda xo
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    @melclarity, thanks Mel . Yes I need to breath, bloody stressful x 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Dandelion go back and read @nikkid she did it through her GP x Breathe...its so stressful but I believe can be done x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh crap @Dandelion. I guess you need to see how you go. I kept hoping I would be able to go back to work then after round 3 (my bp barely sat above 95 on chemo) my oncologist just wrote the certificate until end of treatment. I then chose to use GP for the rest and did a graduated certificate to return to work as I was so physically weak. After chemo I needed about 6 weeks until I felt well enough to return. Many women can do it without problem. Many cannot. Not only could I not physically work but I couldn't mentally work. I needed the time to process this whole bc thing, grieve and deal with my fears...head on. 
  • Anne94
    Anne94 Member Posts: 171
    Hi @Dandelion
      I went through my gp to fill out all my paperwork  for income protection & he printed out all the results of the scans, oncologist reports etc. I also spoke to the workplace health & safety coordinator ( she will plan my return to work requirements)
    I'm sorry your oncologist wasn't very empathetic, that makes the diagnosis feel even more limiting & isolating.
    kind regards 

  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    Thanks ❤️ ok I won't be defeated
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    Il fire
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Yes @Dandelion, my GP completes my forms (they come every 3 months). She include all details from the various specialists I see. I always attach a list of my appointments over that time period, including any procedure. my GP has done this for several patients and argued that the insurers cannot ignore a GP report.