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fat transfer



  • unknown
    unknown Member Posts: 45
    Hi Krooz..  I have another question.  Do you still have to have annual mammograms with fat grafting? thanks, Marion
  • unknown
    unknown Member Posts: 45
    HI,  many thanks to all of you for replying to my post re fat transfer / grafting.  The information and links have been very helpful.  I appreciate everyone's effort and time.  thanks, Marion
  • unknown
    unknown Member Posts: 45
    yeh I have an appointment in May to see a surgeon who does fat transfer / grafting - I'm quite exited.  I will let you know the outcome.  Marion
  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    Hi there 
    I have had two rounds of fat grafts to supliment my reconstruction but my ps told me they can do multiple rounds to completely build the breast

    Some things to consider if this is a viable option
    • What cup size do you want to be
    • Have you got enough donor sites
    • Up to 50% of fat placed in the breast can be absorbed by the body
    If it is something you are considering it is worth discussing with your surgeon

    if you want more information on breast reconstruction options you may want to consider joining the "choosing breast reconstruction " closed group for more specific information



  • unknown
    unknown Member Posts: 45
    Thanks Chris for info.I have small build so fat grafting may be good. I have appointment with surgeon in May. re donor  sites do you mean for fat grafting, I think my hips would be good, surgeon will let me know best sites. Were you happy with outcome? Where did you have your fat grafting done? was it covered by private insurance? and yes I will sign on / check out the closed group. many thanks Marion 
  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    I had it over the top of my implants (I am a d cup) donor sites were mainly hips and tummy - happy with results - I had mine done in public so no out of pocket


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh I was wondering @Chorsell if done public if it would cost. Was it classed as part of reconstruction?. My implants have been done by a breast surgeon but if needing fat grafting probably need a plastc surgeon. I have so many spots to graft from it may be difficult to choose. Lol.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @unknown Im usually a Private Patient, but because I had a recurrence my Surgeon put me through the public system as he works closely with the Plastic Surgeon. Im a size 10 but E Cup so my Plastic Surgeon took alot of my tummy fat. I was Category 1 so didnt have to wait long and I loved no out of pocket. I have a revision to go in 6months but if youve joined the group of Breast Reconstruction ive posted my journey so far. My Plastic Surgeon said if he needs to add at all to my breasts when he does the right lift and revision he will take from my hips. :) Melinda xo
  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    Not sure of the rules in public - but had it done as part of revision so think it is covered- recon has all been done under a ps in public.  It is hard to compare though as all hospitals and surgeons seem to have different rules.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    My Surgeon works side by side with a Plastic Surgeon, both are private but both work through Public too. So was a bonus!! 
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi ladies, I've been told by my surgeon who is an oncoplastic that everything but the fat grafting is covered in my reconstruction and that I will be looking at approx $1000 per breast through public system in NSW. I go back in June to see about matching my natural breast to my foob. 
  • Krooz
    Krooz Member Posts: 66
    Hi @unknown - I will send a private message in regards to surgeon names.  Who are you seeing who has offered the procedure to you in Melbourne?  Where are you located?  I am sorry to hear you lost your first reconstruction and have to go back again. I fully understand about wanting more control over where the tissue is taken from.  This is why I chose this option.

    To answer your questions - this is my first reconstruction.

    The cost of fat transfer will depend on whether the surgeon performs any other procedure which can be claimed under Medicare.  If so you might have some costs covered and not others.  They should provide a quote with Medicare item numbers so you can check with your insurance company.  Also contact the hospital and confirm their fees.  If you can claim some from insurance then you might also be able to have the hospital fees covered - except for the time in theatre while doing the fat graft.  Some fat graft is covered by Medicare so your surgeon may be able to give you some procedures fully covered.  

    Recovery time for me - I stayed home from work for 2 weeks, but I also had a tissue expander inserted to stretch the skin in order to make space for the tissue graft.  The most painful part of the procedure was the site where they took the fat from - the donor site.  I used my inner thigh.  It was extremely painful and bruised for 3 weeks.  It is now 9 weeks since the procedure and the area is still tender.  I had to wear a compression garment for 6 weeks to ensure the donor site would heal well. 

    After the first procedure I could definitely notice the fat and I could monitor it after the initial swelling went down.  The surgeon and I both think I retained most, if not all of it.  I am extremely happy with the results so far.  I feel i am 'growing a breast'.  I have now had my tissue expander filled to stretch the skin in preparation for the next procedure so I can't feel the fat as well.  I am hoping this will not impact on the fat in the area with too much compression.  One of the issues with fat grafting they say is that it should be done repeatedly with small amounts so it's not squashed into the area - that is supposed to better support the tissue to stay alive.  When it's compressed in the area, or too much is added all at once it's more likely to lead to necrosis.  

    I stayed overnight for my procedure.  I asked for this because I wasn't sure how I would feel from the bruising.  I did this as a private patient in a private hospital. 

    What are your options?  Private or public?
  • Krooz
    Krooz Member Posts: 66
    @unknown to answer your question about mammogram - there are mixed views.  Your breast surgeon may continue to recommend them, however the tissue grafted is not breast tissue so in theory there is no reason for a mammogram.  DId you have mammograms with your DIEP reconstruction? Krooz
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    I havent paid a cent for my 'fat filling' as my surgeon calls it as it is considered part of my reconstruction.