Cooler climate



  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    @Tassie66 what pets do you have? I have 2 dogs, one rosella parrot who is the boss of us and 15 or so aquarium fish tanks.
  • mimsi
    mimsi Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2017

    :) Hi Tassie 66

    I live near Hobart and have had breast lymphedema (post op cellulitis infection) for 10 years and was never offered a compression bra but coped OK. I have found that the equissage massager helps from time to time too and a firm crop top. I did get a bit sorer and more swollen when I exercised too much -believe it or not in QLD in the first year, and had a review with my oncologist after a flight/ holiday in FIJI made the side of my chest and breast too sore to lie on until I returned home and all settled down again.

    I have a sister who lives in the Qld hilly hinterland at Mapleton which she claims is cooler than in the lowlands and another who lives inland and further hotter North. Both find Tassie rather cool!

    The North and East coast is warmer but Launceston is definitely colder and foggy in the winter and sometimes warmer in the summer. The Eastern Shore of Hobart is often a couple of degrees warmer than the city too.

    Recently I was diagnosed with a possible precursor to blood vessel cancer caused by radiation and possibly the presence of lymphedema but after 2 more excisions al OK- have just posted this in discussions.

    Good luck with your decision!


  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks for your summary Christina, it was very insightful.  My husband is from the south - around the Geeveston / Huonville area and left around 40 years ago.  I'm glad to hear about the services at Launceston Hospital and how helpful they are being for you and your husband - things like that make a big difference :)

    Jane, your input has also been great as I've also often wondered what it would be like to move to a more coastal area generally.  I feel unable to exercise in the heat with the compression bra and worry about the weight I am putting on in summer, even though I take our dogs for brief walks, but I hear you about the aches and pains in the cold
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Sorry, I appear to have lost the bottom part of my post as well.

    Kath, I really like the idea of the body shaper singlet - is it a medical-type garment or can you pick it up ordinary shop?
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Hi Brenda, I also have 2 dogs and a number of cats.  As a child I also kept budgerigars, chickens and goldfish.  I've always loved animals and nature, which is why we've tended to live in a regional / rural area.....
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Hi have a read of my post in the discussion

    There are compression singlets available 
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Hi Mimsie, your comments re the Tassie versus Queensland temperatures are much appreciated, as are your thoughts re over-exercise, etc.  I had never heard of the equissage massager until your post - I think that would also be very helpful.

    I was managing the lymphodema with the arm exercises and a nightly lymph drainage massage from my very supportive husband until the radiation therapy and summer heat.  I'm lucky that it is still in the early stages, but obviously don't want it to get any worse
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Thank you for your link iserbrown, I'm sure the compression singlets will be much more comfortable :D
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I'm hearing you Tassie. Been lumbering around muttering about moving to Tasmania, Canada, Iceland,, Antarctica....Anywhere that it doesn't get to  40 degrees. Anywhere it's rare to get above 25. Common sense tells me that I'd whinge about the cost of heating and the grocery prices but, like you, it has it's attractions anyway. Then I remember the fires in Tasmania in the last couple of years and think 'That would be just my luck". 
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    The fires are a key concern for me, but not so much for my husband, due to the animals rather than the house.  We lost our house in the 2011 floods and lost 2 - 3 :( cats during / soon after the floods  (1 died of an aggressive cancer), and that devasted me - I still get emotional thinking about it. :'(  
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    That is sad that you have experienced the devastation from the floods.  As to fires, that is something that we live with here as well, the fear of!  For us it is an awareness of our environment.  I don't leave home on total fire ban days and we have the emergency app on the phone that dings to let us know if there is anything.  We have ours set at 20kms from home. 

    I am sure in time you will make a decision that will suit you and your hubby!  Take care
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks iserbrown!
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    As I sit here sweltering in a very sticky humid Cairns summer i'm thinking of joining you!!!

    Only kidding, I do love it here but these last few days have been way hotter than normal.

    I guess do what's best for you.

    Paula xx
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks Paula :)
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    You should all move to Melbourne where you can experience 11° and 35° in the same day  :p