Hi Nads, Feeling overwhelmed is totally normal, there are still times when I feel like this when a new issue arrives. It will be very helpful if Toni can go with you on the medical visits. I found that I had no choice once this ride started, things were just out of my hands, but feel for our families who are watching us go through this, but they are dealing with this from a different perspective. I found the "My Journey Kit" invaluable to keep track of appointments, questions and costs.
The nights and quiet times are the worst, but this is normal and I shed many tears when no one was around. All I can really say is to take each step as it comes and sometimes they may seem very small and to look after yourself..
All the best Michelle1 -
Nadi said:Hi Nadine. So sorry about your diagnosis and that you find yourself here. What a bloody awful coincidence that I too am named Nadine (Nads to my mates from school who always delighted in yelling out Go Nads! and Nadi to my family). I too am 48 (you don't happen to be a Leo as well, do you?). And I too was totally bloody shocked when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of 2015. No family history at all. The first few weeks are the hardest. It is such a whirlwind. But it does settle down. If possible it would be great to have Toni go with you to appointments. Having a second set of ears really helps as sometimes you get so lost in all the information that gets thrown at you that you don't take stuff in or you forget stuff. I really wish you all the best with your upcoming appointments. Sending strength to Toni as well because I know how hard it can be on our partners. Come on here anytime you want. I am a night owl and I am always surprised to see others online in the wee hours of the morning, so if you need to reach out during those times, do. We are here for you.
Sending hugs
Nadi0 -
Thanks Nadine
wow what a coincidence as there are not many of us around. And no im not a Leo but a Libra lol. Yep go nads was always a favorite for my previous work colleagues and always gave me a laugh.
Toni will be with me and I have a list of questions for the drs tomorrow. She is my strength at the moment and always. Hope your outcome has been positive.
nadine0 -
Hi Marvin, you can always ask questions on here - we have a lot of stuff covered
Hugs Xx Cath
0 -
Oh I am so sorry! I know exactly how you feel having only gotten my diagnosis on the 23/12/16. I wandered around in a state of shock for the next week replaying that conversation over and over. I know it doesn't seem like it now but the fuzzyness/shock/anger/despair doesn't last forever, I send to you my thoughts and prayers for both you and your partner. It sounds totally cliche but I really do focus on one day at a time (otherwise id be catatonic1
Hi, I've been newly diagnosed on 20/12 too.
am feeling very overwhelmed too.
my head is spinning
See the surgeon on Saturday
part of me wants to get it over as quick as possible and part of me wants to forget it ever happened.1 -
See you found other thread
Very new to this site still finding my way round it
See comoments there
Thanks Inkpetal0 -
Hi @Nads, yep, you are right - what a b**ch this thing called bc is. So sorry about your diagnosis.
Am sure you have heard so many stories - everybody has one - and advice but you will find your kit is really helpful as is the online forum and the wonderful admin staff on the site.
Although I am a long time bc "survivor" (not keen on the word but sometimes that's what it takes), I have only been on the forum since October and have found it a place to vent, release your frustrations or just for information or to reach out to others who know what you are feeling (and there will be a myriad of them !).
I agree, work is a great distraction and keeps you feeling as though you have some control in what seems to be your life spiralling out of control.
Thinking of you today for your appointment with your surgeon.
Best wishes, Sheryl xxx
1 -
Completely get the shock when you are diagnosed at a younger age. Mine was two years ago at age 39, completely unexpected. My profile shows my story summary if you would like to have a read. In short, very aggressive, 3 tumors, required mastectomy, spread to lymphnodes etc... Just want to say I am out the other end and recovering well after 7 surgeries in 18 months. I never thought I would survive. I used to be a very anxious and scared about every little thing kind of person. You are starting out your journey with this disease in the right place. Trust in your team of surgeons, nurses and carers and come here to ask questions. You are in the right place and there are amazing men and women on this site to help you. Remember to take it one day at a time. this is a marathon not a sprint and you will soon get your pace. Big virtual hug x
1 -
Met with surgeon today and he is lovely...booked for Friday 13th lol lots of positive news which has settled my mind just a bit. But geez I have to have ultrasound tomorrow on other boob just to be sure and a few other things then make an appointment asap to have my merina removed. If only I knew about the hormone issues I would never have had it put in.. anyhow my mind is clearer with what is happening next so I can digest this new info. I seem to be handling this better than my partner st the moment...it's hard when you can't control what is happening and she can't nut the problem out and fix it for me like she dose with everything else0
Hi there - waiting and not knowing is the pits - once you have a plan of attack at least you have something tangible to focus on.
There is so many unknowns and so many variables and you feel like your head is racing - it sucks but it does settle eventually.
Make lots of notes and ask lots of questions - and the ladies here are always great support and provide really practical advice. Just know that you are not alone - there is usually someone online to talk to - this site was my safe place in the beginning and so very reassuring.
All the best
Chris2 -
Hi Nads, so glad your appointment went well and you are happy with your surgeon. Did you decide on what surgery you are having? Every little bit of information helps, gives us a little more peace of mind and control. And so important to remember all those positives0
Sorry Nads, lost half of my post!
I feel for your partner, I know what my husband went through. I coped pretty well but he really struggled. I gave him the booklet for partners which came in the My Journey kit and he also spoke with a BCNA counsellor which helped.
The thing is they can't fix this for us but they need to understand that they are so important in helping us get through everything which will be thrown our way!
Good luck with your next ultrasound - hope the next week goes quickly for you. Wishing you and your partner all the best and sending a hug to you both. Jane x