Exercise Physiologist, where do you get one?



  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Ccasper I didnt know you did that! So interesting!! Yes everything you said, is absolutely what she said LOL and it makes so much sense. It's amazing to me how we end up where we are meant to be, even when we don't realise the path we are on. I'm looking forward to this journey and goodness so so right about being empathetic, completely and she's only young too, which surprises me, feel so so blessed! and recommend to anyone as Ccasper says, there is a difference between a PT and an EP and until Im on my feet and recovered I totally recommend an EP to everyone! x
  • ccasper
    ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
    So glad you have landed in good hands. I liked being an EP but as a basketball coach I went into teaching and love it!! @melclarity
  • JanineG
    JanineG Member Posts: 148
    Ooh I want one too! I just tried on last years summer dresses and they are horribly tight
  • JanineG
    JanineG Member Posts: 148
    Not sure what happened to the rest of my post!? Anyone know one  in the western suburbs of Melbourne or even the city. Or if anyone feels like a walking buddy I live near Williamstown
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @JanineG  Hey there! I actually found these 2 in the Western suburbs, you could see if they are any good? Ask the question as i think you can get 5 sessions under medicare as part of a plan. Im doing one 12 sessions through Corporate Fitness in the City but only because its been organised through my Income Protection through AMP. Hugs Melinda xo

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    another option is Encore program http://www.ywcaencore.org.au/node/26  if you call encore they will be able to point you to the nearest program.
    where are you most of the time Narrabri? where do you go for treatments? 
  • JanineG
    JanineG Member Posts: 148
    Melclarity thankyou so much. I will definitely be following up straight after Xmas
  • Kim R
    Kim R Member Posts: 146
    Thank you for your knowledge @ccasper and @melclarity @Fiona_BCNA I tried the website and found a EP locally but I left a message and have not heard back, I am hoping she is just on summer holidays. I will keep on trying, I try to do a program of yoga and exercise at home but I am so undisciplined I really need to attend a class. Now I have started renovating the house which is excerise and a good job done.
  • Kat09
    Kat09 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 269

    Thanks for the advice regarding getting an EP as I am most likely needing a mastectomy at the end of my Chemo and was wanting to do something positive to help with getting myself not only in the best place mentally but physically.

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Kat09 Ive been with my EP about a month now, it is a super slow process, but has astounded me and its put into an app that I access at home on my phone. Its about empowering you to continue at home once you have finished with them. Its AMAZING!!! Already she and I have noticed a difference in muscle strength, once I get that going I can build on endurance with a little cardio, my muscles are too fatigued to ride the bike like I used to. So its a slow process but so recommend it with a specialist like this, she also works with road accident victims. I am 1yr post Chemo, and because of how bad I was and suffered from Chemo, I couldnt have attempted this until now. Now Im really kicking some butt!!! I feel empowered and determined FINALLY!!! and with a mastectomy pending in next few months, she said I will be in quite good shape to bounce back. Hugs Melinda xo
  • Kat09
    Kat09 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 269
    I'm so glad that you're getting such great results not to mention a stronger sense of empowerment from training with your ep Mel. I know I'm new to this experience ( for want of a better word ) but I have learnt alot through watching my mum's battles and know that whatever you can do ,even if its something small to make yourself stronger is worth it. I'm hoping when I start training there's a boxing bag handy!