Plastic Surgeon today...was cool and petrified and teary...



  • Ellen Garratt
    Ellen Garratt Member Posts: 2
    Oh dear Melinda, I also had radiation and only 3 years ago, so my prospects of surgery are possibly the same as yours.  I go to my breast surgeon on the 8 Dec, so I'll have to wait to see what he says. I certainly wasn't thinking of an implant either. It's pretty unsettling when you make a decision (a big one at that) to have a reconstruction and things go pear shaped.  Take care  and remember we are beautiful. x
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Melinda,sending you a big warm hug. Have been reading the comments in this thread and thought I would suggest this :- community nurses for your dressings - as I'm sure you are already aware they have the waterproof dressings now which can go for a longer period of time without the frequency of changing and the nurse can come out and change the dressings for you.  How about something like lite and easy where everything is already prepared for you and delivered - no shopping, cooking etc just heating (stock up on UHT milk and you'll have everything). Don't know if these services are available in your area but if your lovelies are staying at their dads this might be an option (financially). Can understand your need for your mum, you are an incredibly strong woman who has handled the hard challenges that this disease has thrown at you but there nothing like a hug and a mum to soothe away worries and stresses. Xx
    Image result for picture of a hug
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Ellen Garratt Good luck with your Plastic Surgeon, let us know how you go!

    @socoda OMG you actually reduced me to tears, I actually havent stopped crying in 2 days now, been having a really hard time! So I appreciate your thoughts and I will ask too about a Nurse to come out and do my dressings, wonderful idea!!!! and yes I could stock up on easy meals though the week, thanks!!! and I'll take the HUG!!!! OMG do I need it right now!!! Mums are the best!!! they dont have to say or do anything...just be present and the funny thing is my daughter voiced only yesterday what I meant to her...and that reinforced in a puddle of tears yes, of how I too feel about my Mum. I think too as I have no sisters and have always felt that missing for me. So yes focus on what you do have!! Thanks xoxo
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Melinda, I'm waving my magic wand and you are now my virtual sister Xoxox :)<3
  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    Hi Melinda, I remember well my first plastic surgeon appointment to discuss mastectomy and reconstruction. It was sureal and really bought the enormity of this whole bc thing home. I barely remember anything from the appointment but that she was really nice. She asked how I was, then how my family was. I thought that was really thoughtful. My husband was with me. When we got back to the car I sobbed. It was a big moment when I realized I was stuck in this place with no way out that was good.

    But then I did what we all do I think. I wiped away the tears and got my shit together to face whatever came my way.

    Hang in there, you will find a way to make it all work, Louie xxxx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @socoda thats so sweet, thank you!!

    @LouiseTurner You are so right, I think I underestimated the impact of the appointment and I do my appointments alone, which doesnt help. Have never really had much support through the last 5yrs, only sometimes. Maybe thats because when you are the one who is strong for everyone else, people dont know what to do when its in reverse and seeing you vulnerable, don't know, but its hard for sure and hurts a little. 

    Pulling it together a little today, I have the weekend to myself and today have just honored me and acknowledged the pain I feel emotionally/mentally. Ive been through 2 major lumpectomies, and 2 separate treatments that nearly killed me. So I know I too can get through the next hurdle as much as I am dreading it. I think too if I didnt have to worry about work and being a single parent, I wouldnt have half the amount of stress, but have so much to factor in and all I want to do is spend time pulling me and my life back together, but there isnt time as work 3 days a week and am in bed at 4.30pm when I get home fatigued each day. 

    So next year is about me, and thankful for 1 more year of income protection, I wont be rushing back to work! I want to heal in every way. Thanks again xo Melinda
  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    I hope you have  wonderful Christmas before your surgery in January.  You will get through it because you are strong and brave and resourceful, despite all the hurdles you have had to face.  It's okay to be upset - none of this is fair.  Sending you a huge cyber hug. xxx Michelle
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Thanks Michelle!! I really appreciate it! Im doing better today, emotionally. xx