Is this as good as it gets?



  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    Ne , my last post didn't work . Thank goodness we can communicate here and give and receive support. 
  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    You're right about the bucket already full, doesn't take much for me to get reactive.
    .im just dealing with my feelings as best I can . It's been a very traumatic year . 
  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    Thanks Melinda, the bucket being full explanation makes good sense to me.  Karen 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    I think the more we understand how normal our feelings are and reactions right now, the better we are at acknowledging them and letting them be without judgment and doing anything with it. Just accepting ourselves in every moment and one step in front of the other. xo
  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    Yes and I'm doing what  I can right now . Counselling helps but there's a lot of others issues in my life that are adding to my anxiety. Hope they will be resolved soon and I can get back to me  x
  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    I have been on Tamoxifen for about 8 weeks now.....I haven't really noticed any change in my mood......I already have a short fuse! But I do think it is from the whole ordeal of breast cancer and it's treatments.....I now find myself saying exactly what I think and feel, with no remorse!....While I find I am patient with most  things....the simplest of things will cause me to get flustered....and then I have a hot flash! grrr.....I find myself fed up with the trivial things in life and on the news etc.....It's like get a grip people! ......Our bodies and  minds have been through Hell and back, but we still expect too much of be 'normal' behave the way society, friends and family one day at a time....if it's a bad day, it's a bad day... I do believe in time, as we get further away from this experience, it will get better....meanwhile we have to ride the wave and our loved ones will have to dive for cover! LOL!......I hope you heal well from your fall.....I often think while I'm driving, what if the airbags go off and hit me in the chest? I'm screwed! Bye bye expanders!  Love and llight - Tracy
  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    Hi Tracy I so identify with how you're feeling ! I am experiencing the same feelings , no time for BS and don't watch the news. I don't have my head in the sand just over the media and their promotion of negativity and sports updates. 
    Its a hell of a shock to be told you have cancer . I've been vegetarian for over 30 years gave up drinking 5years ago due to heart arrhythmia and don't smoke. 
    Where does cancer come from ? I wish we knew the answer. I don't want to hear about triviality and just want to live my life doing what I love. We can't change the world by buying into the tragedy of it all,  we can only be for peace love and light and send it out there. I'm sending it to you xxx