


  • Tam007
    Tam007 Member Posts: 7
    Thank u all so mucu
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534

    I am so sorry to hear of your story! Easier said than done, I know to just Breathe! and so very difficult not to let your thoughts run away as to what your results are in everything and what it means. Do you have any support? family, friends? I urge you at the moment to keep talking, I also would suggest going back to your GP or someone else who will validate your anxiety and panic. Ive been through Breast Cancer twice in 4yrs and it is incredibly gut wrenching not knowing results or what is going on. We are all here, and as everyone is saying, it really is focus on one thing at a time only right now. Make sure you have support and please keep coming here and keep talking, we are all here to help anyway we can.

    Hugs Melinda xo
  • Pinkkittykat
    Pinkkittykat Member Posts: 37
    Hi Tam007, I can certainly understand what you are going through, at the beginning I too was not eating, not sleeping, my anxiety was awful, its one step at a time, it's great you have jumped onto this forum, the people here are wonderful and supportive, your GP/oncologist or breast care nurse can provide you with the necessary prescription pills, ask heaps of questions it doesn't matter how trivial or repetitive as its a lot to take in, also take someone with you to doctors appointments as I found this helps what you may have not processed or not heard properly, sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs xx
  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    Hi Tam,
    So sorry to hear about your initial diagnosis. 
    Hard as it is to acknowledge right now, being diagnosed & treated for Breast Cancer is a long journey filled with highs & lows, good days & crap ones.

    Now more than ever is the time to be kind & patient with yourself & to focus on finding what works for you to cope with the stress & anxiety you're experiencing. 

    The first time I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer (2015) cleaning out my jewellery studio worked for me (sold off a lot stuff I no longer used). Second time around (2016) - initially talking & venting on here with the wonderful supportive people who have been through it all & truly understood what I was feeling. Only then was I able to start talking to family & friends who were trying to help but didn't know how. 

    Sending positive thoughts, well wishes & virtual hugs your way - you can do this :) 

    Mel xxx

  • KathSe
    KathSe Member Posts: 29
    Hi Diagnosed in July 2016  with a 9 mm Triple neg on routine mam.  no lump.  Told prognosis good because caught early but very scared given negative triple neg publicity.  Have just undergone 4th round of AC and ready for weekly paxitaxol.  Sentinel nodes clear and 2 removed but terrified.  Lumpectomy done with good margins and KI 67 10 which is low. Breast and abdo MRI clear and so is breast and abdo CT.  Very scared re reoccurrance and follow up re high profile passings recently and rapidly.  Have tried to join triple neg forum but keeps redirectting me.  Would appreciate any advice on how to cope with this because physically ok but mentally not good!


  • Tracey62
    Tracey62 Member Posts: 298
    Hi Kath, thanks for sharing with us what's happening for you. Sounds great that your nodes and scans are all clear. Don't let the triple neg thing freak you out, what matters is early detection, clear nodes and no spread - sounds to me like you've got three positives there. My tumour was 35mm and not quite triple neg, 10% weakly positive for oestrogen. Those kinds of bc are however very responsive to chemo.  Good news is the nausea stops after the AC, but Taxol can cause joint & muscle aches. Just cope with here and now, what you need to do today. Everything else is down the track and hopefully may never happen. I found that writing down my fears and working them through logically helped me deal with the all the head stuff. Even writing on here and chatting with others who know where you are at, really helps. We are here for you, Tracey xXx
  • KathSe
    KathSe Member Posts: 29
    thanks Tracey,

    Makes such a difference.  Im coping with the physical stuff its just the Head games that a re killing me!  All they seem to want to do is put me on antidepressants which I dont want to do.  I justhate the negativity with triple negs and the follow up  scans vary so much


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Kath, I will let you know I had 3 very large tumours all TNBC  I had several nodes involved, my classifciation was Stage 3,
     I had a bilateral mastectomy(my choice) and total clearance on the left side in October 2012   then Chemo and radiation I am technically Cancer free just had my 4 year anniversary and when I get to my 5yr one I am technically at the same risk as the general population for any cancer recurrence. We all hate the follow up stuff but that is how they keep a track of our health after a diagnosis. 
    They wanted me to have some Antidepressants I said no I will deal with it naturally for me that has meant going to see a psychologist and also making sure I do what I need to for my mental health.. You can do this ... one step at a time some days it might need to be one breath at a time ... it will get easier. 
    Hugs and energy to deal with the Sh*tty head stuff that comes with a diagnosis. 
    Soldier Crab 

  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    You're inspirational @SoldierCrab