Sort of Began Radiotherapy...



  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    Thank you Lyn, I'm in inner Sydney, I'll be asking for a referral tomorrow if the doctor agrees that's what it is. *nod* I've taken photos as it's happened to make sure it's not just shrugged off as imagination like it seems to have been previously. Call me crazy but a single ankle disappearing in fluid doesn't seem like a doxetaxel side-effect :warning:.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Inkpetal, hopefully your radio oncologist will point you to a Lymphoedema clinic. My oncologist made a referral to the clinic attached to my cancer therapy centre and said she should have sent me there as part of my initial visit!! Don't feel bad about asking questions about your health. These wonderful doctors have trained for many years to be able to answer your questions!!! You're assisting them be the best they can be and vice versa.   :) All the best Xx Cath
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Any pain in the leg, how far up your leg does it go? I thought you were meaning in your arm,  thst you had lymphoedema.  Did you have any treatment or anything done to groin nodes to cause leg lymphoedema?  Is your left leg normal colour? Sorry, I'm a nurse, medico kicking in. PM me if you haveany questions, if you like, Lyn
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    My left leg is swelling up to the knee if I sit for prolonged periods, it isn't painful until I walk on it then there is pain in both the taught skin and what seems like nerve pain in my foot. It will also gradually swell as I walk. My left hand and wrist to around the middle of the forearm also swell occasionally but not as severely. Everything appears to be usual in colour, the left leg seems to have remained thicker, I'm getting nerve tingling more frequently in the left foot. I had a sentinel node removed for biopsy under the arm on my left side where pain and tenderness has also come back.
    *sigh* Monday it took 2 hours of elevation to start going down and 4 hours to be nearly regular.
  • wooda
    wooda Member Posts: 22
    I'm not sure if this is of any help or if someone else has mentioned but i went to a physio preop and after surgery and had pressure levels measured. I will continue to go for sometime yet to keep a check. I would most definitely question why this is happening.
  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    Hi Inkpetal, I really hope you are able to get some answers and some support for what must be a really frustrating situation, especially while you are dealing with radiotherapy. I can only add to the advice the other ladies have suggested in terms of finding a lymphoedema specialist - I was referred to mine through the radiation clinic I attended and she has been a godsend over the past couple of years. I also wondered if the swelling was edema (circulatory system issue) rather than lymphoedema, but hopefully your radiation oncologist can confirm what the problem is so you can get the appropriate treatment. Hugs and best wishes, Jane xx
  • Rachel01
    Rachel01 Member Posts: 26
    I agree with Lyn, get that swelling checked out by a lymphodoema specialist. The oncologist should have referred you to one.  I developed lymphedema in my right hand and arm towards the end of my chemo and I'm wearing a compression sleeve and glove which helps with the swelling.  Good luck x
  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    Keep asking everyone in your treatment team until you get some adequate answers or a referral to someone that can provide the support you need with this.
    I took the 'wait & see' approach recently in regards to swelling & pain I was experiencing in my breast after having had surgery a few weeks ago. It turned out to be a seroma which ended up bursting through my surgery scar & as a result I spent the long weekend in hospital.
    Don't let this go until you get some answers that you are satisfied with. 
    Wishing you all the best 

    Mel xxx

  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    edited October 2016
    Thank you all so much!

    Radiology was wonderful. Straight after the consult and treatment I went across the road for an ultrasound to check for clots to rule them out before looking into the swelling further. They didn't find any (thank goodness!) and I was told it was likely still a side-effect from chemotherapy, despite ending over a month ago and previously told previously it would "all be well out of [my] system by now" and that I could actually expect at least another two weeks of side-effects. I will keep track of it and if the pain and swelling continue to advance I will ask about edema and push for a specialist.

    The clicking in my joints and back pain were "wear and tear" but because the back pain has been so present for so long I will be going in for a bone scan tomorrow because she's concerned about density and other issues.

    She also offered to prescribe Ativan for my night nausea and stop me worrying about everything so I'll actually get some rest, but I remembered I already had some left over in the cabinet :lol: Now I know to take it.

    Amazing how different that response was to my being a poor thing.

  • WavingNotDrowning
    WavingNotDrowning Member Posts: 48
    Glad you got someone to listen and help. Makes a huge difference even if they can't fix everything.  Enjoy a good night's sleep.
  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    That's so great. Glad you were listened to and hopefully now you will get some assistance and not just sympathy xx 
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Glad to hear they looked for, and didn't find any clots. That's what I was a bit worried about last night. I'm so glad you feel that you were heard, today. Keep pushing if you're concerned. Lyn
  • Rachel01
    Rachel01 Member Posts: 26
    Good to hear you got some answers today.  I'm the same with swelling in lower legs and feet.  I finished chemo 4 weeks ago tomorrow. I can't get into some of my boots and slim leg jeans.  Cant wait for it to improve.  I  also have the really bad joint pain especially knees.  Its just going to take time I suppose for these side effects to slowly improve.  At least chemo is finished and thats got to be a big positive in itself.  Good luck with the rest of your treatment x
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534 goodness!!! So glad you seemed to get somewhere! I just wanted to say side effects from Chemo can last 1-2years. The pains you talk of especially in your back I suffer too, and Im 9 months post chemo. My oncologist sent me for a bone density and because of Chemo I have osteoporosis in my spine and neck. I now have to have 2 prolia injections per year, but honestly muscle work helps this, so Im actually not worried at all. I have lumbar stenosis and so painful alot, but a kinesiologist is helping more than anyone else...go figure!!! somedays I dont need any pain relief and I only take panadol osteo :) 

    I also wanted to say, couple months ago I had severe swelling in the left side of my neck and face and then my eye closed over and got infected!!! sooo weird and it made sense to me, this is the side lymph nodes were taken out. So the lymphatic system on that side is soooo slow....any little infection it struggles badly. Certainly not normal the swelling in your leg.

    Also Ativan was my best friend through Chemo, I highly recommend it really helped me sleep!! Glad no clots, I had a massive clot in my arm from Chemo and it was painful as!!! and dangerous, so was put on blood thinners for a bit. I still have massive cording in my right arm also...but just looks terrible I have full movement and dont even care now LOL. 

    Get onto that swelling asap! Let us know how you go! Hugs Melinda xo
  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    Oh dear! I'm sure they get that all the time!

    ....and yes,  unfortunately, chemo brain loves you a long time! :neutral: