It's okay to be really sad



  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    edited August 2016

    hi Tracey, 

    I have a Christian faith also but that didn't stop my struggling with the whole thing.... I look at it now as my faith is strong but my mind needs help to process the Journey this takes us all on without us asking to go on it.  My faith in God had me firmly assured that He was with me, but my mind was really struggling with the whole thing. 

    I have ongoing health problems thanks to the side effects and my psychologist is great at talking me through the next stage of my health journey in general now that my BC is gone.

    I highly recommend seeing one. 

    big hugs 


    PS if you are a member : Christians with Breast Cancer I began a monthly bible study and it has become more active so women with a faith are sharing their ups and downs and getting to share a study once per month... there is no pressure to talk or post but it is there if you want. 


  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Hi Tracey and everyone - yes, this was the post I needed to read today. thank you.

    I'm not sure I feel sad, but I certainly feel like this past 8 months has been surreal. I sometimes wonder if I am really dealing, deep down, with what has happened. I reel from anyone saying "you're lucky" or "you'll be fine" or "you're so strong". I am what I am. It is what it is. I've had amazing support from a group a beautiful friends and my gorgeous boys (hubby, and sons) but I have been terribly disappointed in one friend whom I thought was one of my closest buddies, who just hasn't been there, at all. I have tried to raise the issue with her, but to no avail.

    Ive now decided it's time to refocus back on me......they say you shed friends every decade, so perhaps that was my turning-50 shedding!

    Nikki x