Introduce yourself!
Rosie & Buddy - wonderful dogs my best friends xx
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Hi Sophie, I remember asking the same questions but the fact is it is a disease, it doesn't discriminate. Although there are things we can do to lessen the risk, if it's gonna get you it's gonna get you ?? I love your fur babies. My bc and old kelpie boy (who unfortunately we lost a few weeks ago) were by my side the whole way. One day at a time. Karen xox
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Hi I'm Kate and I was told I had dcis in January this year had my op 2 Wks later and then starte25 radiation treatments on the 1st March which happen to be my 59th birthday finished them on the 7 th April I feel good most of the soreness of the treatment has gone but the not knowing if they have got it all is really getting to me. I have also felt a couple of more Lumps in my right breast and one is sore but I've been told nothing can be done till about 12 months after is this true sorry if this isn't the place to ask but I'm worried. Thanks for listening ....kate
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Aww, they're beautiful! They remind me of Digger, the dog on River Cottage Australia. I have a kelpie cross, but I think I'd love to have a border collie in the future. Such clever dogs.
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I'm sorry to hear you lost your dog, Karen. I know how painful it can be to lose a beloved pet.
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Welcome to the online network, Tanba. There are a few women here who have experience with triple negative breast cancer. Feel free to post in the main feed (click on Post > my blog) and ask. I have no doubt you'll get a lot of support here.
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Hi P2T. I hope you're finding what you need here. I was going to suggest that you join the 'Breast reconstruction' online group, but you're way ahead of me!
I love all your hobbies and interests. Do you write professionally or for yourself?0 -
Hi Kate. It's normal to be worried. Feel free to share your experience and ask in the main feed (click on Post > My blog). More people will see your post there than in this introduction thread.
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Hello Cosette.
Thank you for you're support, it's really lovely that u reach out like this.
I write for myself, mainly poetry, or I may turn an experience I have or an emotion I feel into some form of creative writing... so then instead of looking back through my books I find something creative instead of a big whinge over something! ha
I'll find some stuff for here some day....I don;t often share my writing, so maybe you guys can be my first. ; )
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That would be great! We have the Creative Corner group. You'll find some ladies sharing their creative work in there :-)
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Hi. I'm very new. I'm 36. My birthday is in 2 days and Mother's Day is tomorrow. I'm a mum of 4. 5,12,14,&16. I was diagnosed in Tuesday with a 2.2cm x2.1cm invasive breast cancer. And am waiting for my 1st appointment with surgeon apparently on Tuesday. In from Gold Coast QLD and scared shitless.
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Hi Martina,
Welcome to the Online Network.It's been a big week for you and I am sure you have many questions. You have come to a place that will be able to help you feel supported and a little less scared, so when you feel ready I recommend posting from "my blog" and it will appear in the main feed. We have a few members here from the Gold Coast and some online groups as well. Just take one day at a time.
Ann-Marie x
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Hi, my name is Karen, I'm a 44 yr old mum of 2 kids 14 & 9 and after nearly 18 years together my man and I are engaged to be married this year, just waiting on confirmation of venue for the date.
My life completely changed just over 12 months ago. April 15 2014 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer but thrown sideways to find out it was Secondary. I had a aggressive tumour which had spread to lymph nodes, spine, pelvis & lung. To say I was devastated was an understatement. I was shattered, angry, numb, I felt I was outside looking in at myself. The realisation of what Secondary Breast Cancer meant took a while to sink in, unfortunately my treatment doesn't have an end date, it is continual for the rest of my life. That is very very hard to accept and comprehend. I felt cheated, I felt anger that my kids now have to grow up with all of this, they don't deserve this. I hated that I put them in this position. Every 3 weeks I would be going in for my treatment, quarterly scans, endless blood tests, oncology appts, quarterly heart scans and that's just the start. If this current treatment doesn't stabilise then it changes and starts all over again, how on earth can I do this...
Well, as I mentioned its been just over 12 months. I still hate it I mean who wouldn't, but, I am here, I/our family have accepted our 'new' life and all that brings. We find joy in the little things, let go and move on of insignificant things, we treasure each other so damn much more than ever before, we have learnt patience, gratitude and just know that we will be ok. Every day is a gift and no day is ever taken for granted. I also know that there will be many many hurdles but WE will get over them and continue in our journey. I allow myself to have my 'moments' I think you need to, things build up or get overwhelming and it's ok to let it out, it's necessary.
I am so incredibly happy and am very much looking forward to our Wedding Day
We have been incredibly blessed beyond measure by some very very very amazing friends who have actually offered to organise our Wedding, complete with kind souls who have donated the venue, celebrant, catering, invitations, music, the list goes on. I can't express what their kindness means I'm just so humbled and appreciate it so much. Thanks for letting me waffle
Love and light and hugs and all that to everyone. Take care.
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Thank you for sharing, Karen. It was very moving to read. We have a group called Living with advanced / secondary breast cancer that might interest you.
Congratulations on your wedding. That's very exciting. I hope you'll share a photo with us :-)
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Thankyou Ann Marie. I am having a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on Tuesday. Thabk