It's Not Me



  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2016

    Hi Georginamary,

    Thanks for sharing. I think I am coming to terms with this self indulgence of mine, thanks to all the lovely ladies who have found the time, energy and compassion to reply to my post. I've only just started this journey and have a long way to go, by all accounts, so need to channel my energy into being more positive. I tend to be a bit of a pessimist, so it's going to be an uphill battle, but hey ... I need the exercise HA!

    I have a sister who thinks she is saying all the right things and I want to strangle because she is constantly telling me what I should and shouldn't do, how she knows I will be fine and I should be more positive and get my health on track and, and, and.....

    I think I will be getting my husband to be gate keeper and keep her at bay. She's not helping!

    I'll be thinking of you on the 22nd. 




  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2016

    Hello Ruth,

    Wow ... all you ladies are certainly putting this into perspective for me. Something friends and family can't do. God love them, I know they think they are helping but I do want to slap them. I suppose I will just grin and bear it and then come back on here to get real again. Thank you so much for your reply. 


  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2016


    With all the responses, I am feeling so much better. I am so thankful for the replies I have received and the support that comes with them. It's only been a week since my surgery so there's a long road ahead of me. Thank you for your words of wisdom and I wish you all the best.

    Take care.


  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2016

    Hi Karen,

    Thanks for that. As you say, once the treatment plan starts I hope to be feeling more in control. At the moment, it is the waiting and not knowing that is getting to me. I'm glad I signed on to this site, as I really thought I was doing okay and didn't need any support. How wrong I was!




  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2016

    Hi Christine,

    I am still amazed at the wonderful responses I have been receiving from everyone. I have already allocated the position of gate-keeper to my husband. I have a sister ... I know she loves me, but!! ... I can't listen to her repetitive "helpful" comments day in and day out. I am so glad I am not the only one having to filter friends and relatives!

    I think, as with everyone else, I'm sure, the waiting game is going to be the hardest. I've only just had my lumpectomy and just want to get on with treatment, but have no idea when that will start. 

    Thank you so much for caring enough to reply to my post. I'm in awe of all the wonderful women on here.

    Take care.


  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2016

    Hi Jacquipp,

    It has been wonderful receiving all the replies and words of wisdom from those who have gone before us.

    I'm sorry you have been diagnosed with this rotten thing and can't help but feel that perhaps we can get through this together. I was only diagnosed recently and had my lumpectomy last week. Although I was lucky in that my lymph nodes were clear and the surgeon was able to remove the tumour intact, turns out it was more than double the size they first thought and was much more aggressive. That kind of threw us! It was like "Yay! He got it all", but now I am looking at radiation, chemo and hormone therapies. Almost feels like a sentence for crimes committed! When these will start is anybody's guess!

    My breast care nurse has not called. I tell myself she must have clients who are in more need of her than I am and I will be seeing my GP on Friday, so that's okay. I have no idea what the correct protocol is there. It's like feeling my way in the dark through an unfamiliar room. Thank heavens for this site!

    So thank you for taking time out to contact me and if you would like to share, I'd be more than pleased to listen.



  • jacquipp
    jacquipp Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2016

    Hey San-Dee

    It does seem like we are both ploughing through this and neither of us knows what the hell we are doing... I mean this in the best possible way. I think it would be nice to stay in contact and share and support each other. 

    This site is a blessing. 

    I am so glad the surgery was successful. Heres hoping you keep getting good news. Did you hear from your breast nurse? How did you get allocated one? I have no idea about all of this

    Hugs. Jacqui xxx 

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited March 2016

    Ask at your local breast screen clinic or the general hospital or use this search

  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2016

    Hi again,

    The breast nurse was allocated to me by the surgeon/hospital. She called me before the surgery to offer some information kits and a soft post surgery bra, then said she would see me in hospital. She was there the day following surgery and was very nice, but I haven't heard from her since. As I said, I don't know what the protocol is here, so I'll talk to my GP on Friday.

    It's a scary thing you are going through and the not knowing is the worst. I was fortunate in that once I saw my GP after Breastscreen, she called the surgeon for me and everything seemed to move so quickly. Now I am trying to get a grasp of the treatments ahead of me. I hate just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring ... I suppose that's one of the reasons I signed up for this site. 

    So, if nothing else we can be there for each other, whether it is get information, compare notes, cry on each others' shoulders or to vent our fears and frustrations.




  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    edited March 2016

    Hi did the breast care nurse give you her card?

    Mine has been with me all the way. Only today she rang to check on me and enquire abt my next appointments with the Onc and Surgeon.  I was diagnosed April last year.

    Good luck with treatment and settling in with your medical treatment team.

    Take care

    Christine xx 

  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2016



    That's wonderful you have had the support of your breast care nurse. I don't know what's going on with mine. I do have her phone number, but have avoided calling her. Don't want to appear pushy or needy, but it would have been nice to get some advice on how to cope with post surgery or pain. I have finally figured it out for myself. Hopefully my GP will have some words of wisdom when I see her tomorrow. Do we pay a fee for the breast care nurse? Maybe that's the issue!


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    edited March 2016

    No fee - you'll find she will become your go to person as she can advise you when you're uncertain if you need to go back to the GP or surgeon or whoever

    I'd be lost without mine - she is fab!

  • narwoo
    narwoo Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2016

    Hi San-Dee and others

    I am enjoying reading your comments. I have not been sleeping well and am up at 5am most days so looking for some support & info.  

    Thanks for posting, your comments makes me feel less alone and I can relate to some of the things you are saying. This is my first post so not sure how this site works.  

    I was only diagnosed on March 7 and am in no man's land (  or is it no woman's land) because I haven't yet seen the specialist but have an appt at the public hospital on Tuesday  22. It was hard having to wait 6 days for the biopsy results and then another 2 weeks for the hospital OPD appt and all that time not knowing what is going to happen next so it has been a very scary time. Have lots of questions but my GP was not able to answer them. Easter break coming up is not helping either as it was harder to get an appt. I now wondering if I should have had private health but I don't so can't change that now.

  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    edited March 2016

    Hi Narwoo

    Sorry that you find yourself here but so glad you decided to reach out and post on this network. We have all been through what you are going through now and it is such a scary and sometimes frustrating time - especially in the early days when you are waiting to see doctors, have tests and get results etc. If you haven't already I would strongly encourage you to order the My Journey information kit from BCNA. It has lots of helpful information that can be reassuring even before you have your treatment plan. 

    Like you my GP couldn't answer any of my questions regarding treatment even though she had breast cancer herself!! All that info has to come from the breast surgeon and oncologist. I have private health insurance but I still had to wait 2 weeks for and appointment with my surgeon! and another 2 weeks for surgery. I remember at the time it felt like years. Once you see these doctors things will start to happen very quickly. If you can, take someone with you to these appointments so they can act as a second set of ears.

    And don't forget that we are here for you and to come on and post any time with questions or just to vent. This network has and is really helping me to get through this and I am sure it will be of help to you as well.

    Take care, Nadine

  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited March 2016

    Hi Narwoo,

    I too, am new to this and am learning as I go. Sorry you find yourself here, but at least you are on that same bumpy road with many others ... too many! I have no real words of wisdom for you, perhaps they will emerge along the way, but for now sleep when you can, pamper yourself when you can and surround yourself with people who love and support you.

    Since my diagnosis, I have been more concerned about the journey than the outcome. Being welcomed into this support group has certainly helped and I'm sure you will feel the same.

    All this waiting and not knowing is the pits. I think cancer treatment in general has not change much in that respect over the years.

    Good luck with the surgeon's appointment. I'll be thinking of you.

    Best wishes and hugs
