Scans after Treatment



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    Well my repeat ALP test result is the same -128.So my GP has ordered a nuclear bone scan.I 'll be having this Monday morning. I'm not sure what to think but I'm somewhat anxious. I'm glad she is thorough but I sure don't want any bad news before Xmas. How are you going with this ALP saga? Tonya cx
  • Chixon
    Chixon Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2015
    I just wanted to send best wishes for a good result from your Bone Scan on Monday. You have a great G.P... not leaving anything to chance...(someone we all would like to be by our side). Will be thinking of you...good thoughts. Chris.xx
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    I am not too worried and it won't hurt to get checked.If all is ok then I will be celebrating,fatty liver or no fatty liver! xx
  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    Well I had my appointment with the Onco, he said all was ok. When I mentioned to him that my GP was concerned about the 159 ALP  reading he quickly looked at his computer, said it is probably from the femara?  I then made the mistake of going into my body aches from the Femara and requested I go on something else. Next minute I am sitting there with a referral for a nuclear bone scan - head to toe.  Got the all clear today. He seemed like I was wasting his time, all I wanted was for him to actually look at my test results, and have a discussion as to why.  Anyway I don't have to see him for 6 months, he didn't give me the usual blood tests to have done prior so I will have to ring and remind him. Pleased I paid $146 for the 10 mins of his time. 



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    That head to toe bone scan is fun isn't it. I was lying there thinking that this scan could be life changing if metastises show up.I was relieved to get the all clear. I was even excited to have degenerative changes! My GP said no more tests,just go enjoy Christmas.I went home and got into my spa with a glass of champagne to celebrate and feed my fatty liver!!Glad you got the all clear too.Tonya xx
  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    When the table vibrated it was like being on the Superman ride at Dreamworld. I shut my eyes and waited.

    Big let down, never took off, just needed to wiggle my toes by the time machine got there.

    Pleased you also got the all clear.

    Viv xxxx