Scans after Treatment

Chixon Member Posts: 153
edited November 2014 in Health and wellbeing
Just wondering if others have been offered Scans after finishing treatment. I thought I would have them on a yearly basis to check on things...but after speaking to my medical and radiation oncologists..they said NO!....mentioning that I need to stay vigilant and report any ongoing symptoms. Not even a blood test! This doesn't seem very proactive treatment to me. Would appreciate your input. Chris.


  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    Hi Chris, there have been a few blogs about this subject and I totally agree with you that a scan would put our minds at rest. 

    My Oncologist recommends I have a yearly  mammogram/ultrasound and chest X-Ray. 

    I am now on 6 monthly Onco visits, and he does blood tests to check Ca 24, Vitamin D, Liver function and Kidney function and a full blood count.

    You can always go to your GP and request these blood tests, I am currently awaiting iodine test because a Natropath recommended it. As well as a couple of other tests that another lady on her recommended.



  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    Hi Chris, there have been a few blogs about this subject and I totally agree with you that a scan would put our minds at rest. 

    My Oncologist recommends I have a yearly  mammogram/ultrasound and chest X-Ray. 

    I am now on 6 monthly Onco visits, and he does blood tests to check Ca 24, Vitamin D, Liver function and Kidney function and a full blood count.

    You can always go to your GP and request these blood tests, I am currently awaiting iodine test because a Natropath recommended it. As well as a couple of other tests that another lady on her recommended.



  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    Hi Chris, there have been a few blogs about this subject and I totally agree with you that a scan would put our minds at rest. 

    My Oncologist recommends I have a yearly  mammogram/ultrasound and chest X-Ray. 

    I am now on 6 monthly Onco visits, and he does blood tests to check Ca 24, Vitamin D, Liver function and Kidney function and a full blood count.

    You can always go to your GP and request these blood tests, I am currently awaiting iodine test because a Natropath recommended it. As well as a couple of other tests that another lady on her recommended.



  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    I have 6 monthly visits with my surgeon and oncologist.It seems to be pretty standard practise that you don't have scans etc.I actually got my GP to do a full blood count a couple of weeks ago for me.I think a lot can show up in a blood test,so that ,combined with my mammo and ultrasound,and my doctors visits,and my being vigilant and keeping a close eye on myself for any changes..... I feel is enough for me.Take care.Cheers xoxRobyn
  • jandy23
    jandy23 Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2015

    Just wondering what exactly is meant by a "full blood count"? Is it something specifically related to BC or is it the usual things doctors measure when you have a check up like cholestorol and liver function enzymes?

  • margiemoo
    margiemoo Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2015



    I will be having yearly mammo and ultrasound - and my first check will be this january so crossing fingers. then I see the surgeon in february. are you having these tests? not sure if I will have blood tests, just had another one a couple of months ago to see how my bloods were after chemo and radio. and they came back normal woo hoo. passed another test!

    good luck

    Marg x

  • Chixon
    Chixon Member Posts: 153
    edited March 2015
    Thanks everyone for your info. I too will go through my G.P. and request a blood test ...just to put my mind at rest...and of course stay vigilant as well. Wouldn't it be nice though to have some sort of test available at a yearly interval to alleviate any fears we may have...(maybe in the future). I am trying to stay positive and not worry about something that may never is hard at times though. I will count my blessings..I have great support and a wonderful life to look forward to. Best Wishes to everyone. Chris.xx
  • Candygirl
    Candygirl Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2015

    I have the same tests as the other ladies have mentioned above, blood tests every 6 months now, and yearly mammogram, ultrasound and chest XRay.  I ask for a copy of all of my tests, this way I can keep an eye on them as ask questions if there is any change. 

    I have a copy go to my GP, go and see her before my Onco visit.

    Had I been proactive like this prior to diagnosis and got copies I would have had my cancer picked up earlier.  A mammogram 6 months prior gave me the all clear, but the actual letter said breast tissue too dense to give accurate result, breast full of cysts etc. Had I had a diagnostic mammogram and not the regular mammogram it would have been picked up then.  All a very wrong. 

    Do what makes you feel settled. 

    One thing I have learnt is to take charge, it is your body and your health and your choice.


  • Candygirl
    Candygirl Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2015

    I have the same tests as the other ladies have mentioned above, blood tests every 6 months now, and yearly mammogram, ultrasound and chest XRay.  I ask for a copy of all of my tests, this way I can keep an eye on them as ask questions if there is any change. 

    I have a copy go to my GP, go and see her before my Onco visit.

    Had I been proactive like this prior to diagnosis and got copies I would have had my cancer picked up earlier.  A mammogram 6 months prior gave me the all clear, but the actual letter said breast tissue too dense to give accurate result, breast full of cysts etc. Had I had a diagnostic mammogram and not the regular mammogram it would have been picked up then.  All a very wrong. 

    Do what makes you feel settled. 

    One thing I have learnt is to take charge, it is your body and your health and your choice.


  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    By full blood count I mean just the usual blood test that a GP would give you,but also testing for bio markers CEA, CA 15.3 and Cancer Antigen 125.This is what my GP said was a good idea.Cheers xoxRobyn
  • jandy23
    jandy23 Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Robyn. I will ask about having these bio markers meausured next time I have a check-up with my GP.

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    A full blood count just refers to haemaglobin, white cells and platelets.Bio or tumour markers are a good idea to check but aren't always accurate.Liver function blood test is important to do if you are on Tamoxifen.Also have a pelvic ultrasound if on this drug too.I just ask my gp to order these yearly for me.It seems many oncologists are reluctant to order these routine tests.Mine told me it just causes anxiety!I'd rather be proactive and pick things up early. Tonya xx
  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ladies, my GP called me in today as my Alkaline Phospatase reading has gone from 95 to 148 in 6 months. Normal range is 30-115. 

    GP didn't say too much, especially as I have Oncologist appointment next week, so will have to wait until then I suppose. 

    Has anyone else had this?

    As far as my Iodine level goes I am in the moderate deficient zone.


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    I too have raised ALP.(Alkaline Phosphatase).It is an enzyme in the blood which is concentrated in the liver.If it's elevated it can mean a lot of things eg. Some medications (Tamoxifen big time!)cause it,fatty liver and other liver diseases,other diseases and even a very fatty meal.If elevated,it is usually repeated and you should fast 10 hrs prior.My GP ordered me an abdominal ultrasound and it showed I have a fatty liver- possibly from being on Tamoxifen for 4 years. I'm about to have the blood test repeated. Tonya xx
  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    Trying not to worry about it,. Dr Google says it could be Femara, glucosamine, fish oil, they all come up.

    I am seeing my Oncologist Thursday next week, he will most likely have an answer.

    Thank you Tonya

    Take care

    Viv  xx