Scans after Treatment



  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    I am currently taking 8 fish oil per day and 2 glucosamine with chondroit, are you on any of these?  My side effects from Femara were extreme, but I had a 70% improvement within a couple of weeks of taking these supplements. 

    Dr Google says that either/both could cause high ALP levels, as well as the fatty food.

    I know it wasn't fatty food as my diet is very strict with mainly salad and vegies.  The night prior to test I had zucchini pasta- no fats, with a side salad.

    My Onco isn't into supplements at all, so I hope he doesn't get gruff with me for taking these.  Another Onco I saw said I could take these If I wanted, but didn't talk dosage, and my blood levels were fine then.

    You are a big help on this site and offer grounded advice and experience. 

    Viv xxxx

  • mumflo
    mumflo Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2015

    Found this 

    Hope this link works, it helps explain the follow up care after BC. There's some good info here on all sorts of things worth a bit of a click around. I think it helps if your GP is on the ball too and there's a good communication between Onc, surgeon and GP.

  • mumflo
    mumflo Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2015

    Sorry that link just takes you to the main page. Under breast cancer look for life after breast cancer then follow up after BC.

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    If your oncologist wants to repeat ALP blood test then ask him if you should stop fish oil beforehand.Also ask him if you should have an abdo ultrasound to check your liver?Oncologists (in general)don't seem to know much about supplements.I asked mine about flaxseed capsules once and he didn't know what I was talking about.Good luck with your onc visit.xx
  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    I have already reduced my comsumption of both fish oil and glucosamine, see Onco next Thursday.




  • Candygirl
    Candygirl Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2015

    Interesting that you still see your Radiation Oncologist, I finished my last radiation, saw him a week later and that was the end. Does anyone else still see their Radiation Onco?


  • margiemoo
    margiemoo Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2015

    I also still see my radiation oncologist - saw her for a 3 month review after radio and have an appt in June next year. I beleive that I will at least see her yearly. 

    Marg xx

  • Sarah54
    Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    hello everyone, the last thing I want to do is scare anyone but after chemo, double mastectomy and radiation I INSISTED on a CT as I had cancer in lympe nodes above my collar bone. The CT came back beautifully clear but mistakenly took my head as well and something suspisious was seen. I had a MRI early this week and now waiting for a brain surgeons appointment. My radio oncologist is not convinced it's metastic but it was 9mm on CT and now 12mm on MRI. I have taken notes from above info and will be now going to GP to get some blood tests and have my thyriod function tested as the weight is coming on to fast for my liking. I hope everyone is doing well and anyone who has had this result please tell me any info that may help. Cyber hugs for all


  • Candygirl
    Candygirl Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2015

    Sarah 54, how did they pick up the ca in nodes above your collar bone?

     I was told that if I had any cancer anywhere else it would be too small to see even on an MRI,  I am one of those cringe stories of having an all clear Mammogram 6 months prior but after being diagnosed I requested copies from letters sent to GP. On these it stated my breast tissue was too dense to detect any underlying condition.   My tumor was twice as big when removed that what they suspected on ultrasound.  

    Wishing you all the best with the MRI, get copies of all of your results so that you can check them yourself, most is written in terms that we all understand.

    Cyber hug


  • Sarah54
    Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    It was either a CT or Pet scan. You know what it's like in the beginning and plus I had to have an op to plate my left humerous to start chemo. I had a 13cm bulging tumour hanging off my left breast. I had very advance BC and was told over and over again I was a prime canditate for secondary so it really does not come as a great surprise I just thought it would be lungs or liver not my one and only head! But I am dealing with it and positively this time too, thank goodness. Been there done that. Keep well and look after yourself.

    love Sarah54

  • Sarah54
    Sarah54 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015

    It was either a CT or Pet scan. You know what it's like in the beginning and plus I had to have an op to plate my left humerous to start chemo. I had a 13cm bulging tumour hanging off my left breast. I had very advance BC and was told over and over again I was a prime canditate for secondary so it really does not come as a great surprise I just thought it would be lungs or liver not my one and only head! But I am dealing with it and positively this time too, thank goodness. Been there done that. Keep well and look after yourself.

    love Sarah54

  • Candygirl
    Candygirl Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2015

    You are amazing Sarah 54

    xxxxxxxxxx Candice

  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    I have gone through my previous blood work, and noticed that my ALP was 95 in March, 153 in July and now 148 in Novemeber, my GP was quite concerned about 148, she didn't get a copy of my July report.  I wonder why my Oncologist didn't mention this hugh jump in ALP levels??

    This higher reading was 1 month after reduction surgery, and I wasn't taking any supplements then.

    Will have lots of questions when I see him next week.

    Tonya, how high are your levels?


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    My ALP levels have been gradually creeping up since I started Tamoxifen 4 years ago.It started out at 88,then 110 and this year it's 128.That was around June and my gp was worried enough to send me for an abdo ultrasound.This showed I had a fatty liver.This freaked me out cos my poor mum had just died from liver cancer the month before.Tamoxifen can cause fatty liver so I stopped it.I had been on it for 4 yrs.Anyway,I go for a repeat blood test next week - hopefully it will have lowered.I think your oncologist should have informed you when your ALP was first elevated.We will compare ALP situation next week.xx
  • VivW
    VivW Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2015

    95 1Thanks Tonya, mmmm wonder why Onco didn't pick it up.  My GP said when the report comes to her anything that is above normal is red on her screen and bold on a printout.  Not hard to miss.  From 95 to 153 in such a short term is a real worry to me.

    Chat next week when you get your results.

    I also noticed you mentioned Iodine, my test came back as mildy deficient, so I shall be adding nori roll sheets to my salads from now on.

    Take care
