Friday Update 1st April 2022
Friday Update 1 April 2022 Hello members Well, we have arrived in April already and I have some great content for you to check out in this update. Once again sending our thoughts to those in the flood effected areas, many of whom are still battling severe weather conditions. Take Care and stay safe. Community highlights…
Friday Update 18th March 2022
Friday Update 18th March 2022 Hello members Apologies for the belated Friday Update. All BCNA staff and I extend our thoughts to Queensland and New South Wales flood effected members during this difficult time of recovery. If you hear of anyone that has lost their post-surgery bra, any items within their My Care Kit , need…
Friday Update - 25th February 2022
Friday Update 25th February 2022 Hello members Welcome to another Friday update as we round out the month of February. Included in this week’s update is a re-cap on the Carman’s Fun Run event and link to ‘Ask the Expert: Triple Negative Breast Cancer’ digital event that was held on 17th February (On-demand recording…
Friday Update - 11th February 2022
Friday Update 11th February 2022 Hello members February is upon us and BCNA have some great content coming up this month, including an ‘Ask the Expert’ interactive Zoom session (More details are in this update below). A quick reminder that Carman’s Fun Run is happening on the 20th Feb…
Friday Update 17th December 2021 (Christmas Closure Details)
Friday update 17th December 2021 Welcome to the final Friday Update of 2021! I would like to extend gratitude and thanks to all members of the online network. In my short time so far with BCNA, I have observed the forum as such a welcoming space for people affected by breast cancer to be supported and heard as they…
Update from BCNA Policy and Advocacy on the Breast Reconstruction Report
Update from BCNA Policy and Advocacy on the Breast Reconstruction Report BCNA Policy & Advocacy has been busy implementing our action plan from the Breast Reconstruction in Australia 2021 report, launched in September 2021. Key activities have included meetings held with most state and territory governments to advocate for…
Friday Update 3rd Dec 2021
Friday update 3rd December 2021 Welcome to December members! A very warm welcome to all our new members who have joined us in November and to our existing members who continue to provide support to others navigating their breast cancer diagnosis or who are seeking support for family/friends. A reminder for newbies: please…
Friday update 22 October 2021
Friday update 22 October 2021 Hello members, It is a nice welcome today for Victorians as the lockdown restrictions lift today - Enjoy your greater freedoms! BCNA continue their October breast cancer awareness campaign, highlighting issues that impact those diagnosed and advocate to drive change. Thankyou to all of our…
Breast Reconstruction – Options and Expectations, Virtual Conference - Tuesday, 12 October 6 - 9pm
Good morning everyone, BCNA are holding a virtual conference on Tuesday 12 October, 6.00 - 9.00m AEST on Breast Reconstruction - Options and Expectations.Choosing whether to have a breast reconstruction is a very personal decision and it is important to do what feels right for you. Some women decide to have reconstruction…
Friday update 8 October 2021
Friday update 8 October 2021 Hello members, BCNA’s theme for Breast Cancer Awareness Month is Connect. Support. Empower. Therefore, I am particularly pleased to connect with you all in this Friday update. There is alot happening during the month of October and BCNA will have a number of stories and campaign initiatives to…
Friday update 10 September 2021
Friday update 10 September 2021 Hello members, Welcome to the revival of the Friday community update. My name is Mez and I am part of the Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) Member Support Team/Helpline. I have had the pleasure of connecting with some of you in the past four weeks and want to thankyou for your feedback,…
Managing the cost of breast cancer webcast: tips and resources 16th Sept 7-8pm AEST
Hi everyone, BCNA are holding a webcast on Thursday 16 September, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm AEST on managing the cost of breast cancer: tips and resources. For many people with breast cancer, the financial costs associated with treatment and care can be substantial. General day-to-day expenses continue, while you may also have to…
Webcast: Fertility and breast cancer, knowing your options. Tuesday 8 June 2021
Hello everyone,Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Australian women. While breast cancer is most common in women over the age of 50 years, approximately 1,988 of the 20,825 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021 will be premenopausal women aged between 20 and 44 years of age. Breast cancer…
Webcast - Managing your fear of breast cancer recurrence 11 February 2021
Managing your fear of breast cancer recurrence Many people who have been treated for early breast cancer feel anxious and worry that their cancer may one day come back (recur). Fear of cancer recurrence is the term used to describe these worries and anxieties. This webcast will assist in providing you with the techniques…
Upcoming webcast: How to talk to your children about cancer 21/10/2020
Hello everyone BCNA and Canteen are hosting a webcast next week - How to talk to your children about cancer. Join us for a free online webcast where we will explore the different ways to communicate about cancer to your children, how to prepare for these conversations, as well as practical tips on how best to support your…