Friday Update - 25th February 2022

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,197

Friday Update 25th February 2022

Hello members

Welcome to another Friday update as we round out the month of February.
Included in this week’s update is a re-cap on the Carman’s Fun Run event and link
to ‘Ask the Expert: Triple Negative Breast Cancer’ digital event that was held
on 17th February (On-demand recording available). There are also updates
to share on My Journey regarding COVID-19 resources.

The Beacon is out on the 1st
of March, so watch your inbox! (What is The Beacon? Check out
previous issues here

Community highlights

forum discussions

Members new and old may have missed some of the forum discussions that
have been most active the past fortnight:

1. Elective preventative mastectomy advice?

2. I thought I'd gotten over the
hand/wrist pain!

3. How to answer! Am I
in remission?

4. Radiation On Lesion

P.S If
any of you are animal lovers, check out the discussion thread What
pets do you have?
There have been alot of gorgeous pictures shared lately


Community News

My Journey – COVID-19

There is now
a ‘What’s new?’ section at the top of the My Journey COVID-19
Information article. It will provide a summary of new information relating to
COVID-19 with links to more detailed information. This will save members having
to read through the whole article to look for anything new. You can check it out
by clicking the link

The content
team have also added a link to a new article by Cancer Australia on what to do
if you test positive to COVID while having cancer treatment - 
The article was developed with significant input from BCNA Consumer
Representative Dr Susannah Morris.

DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in situ) Resources

My colleague’s
and I have had quite a few chats on the helpline this week with women diagnosed
with DCIS and who were not sure what this means for them. I thought it was a
timely reminder to share some of the DCIS resources available:

BCNA Booklet ‘Ductal Carcinoma in situ’ (call us 1800 500 258 to order)

What is Ductal Carcinoma in situ?
(BCNA website link)

John Boyage’s book DCIS of the breast: Taking control  (available from bookshops)

BCNA Podcast 'Upfront about breast
cancer': EP 24 DCIS

BCNA Webcast: The Role of Radiotherapy
in the Treatment of DCIS and Early Breast Cancer

Communication aid: Understanding
ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and deciding about treatment

Carman’s Fun Run - Recap

A massive THANK YOU
to all the wonderful participants, attendees, volunteers, donors, and event
staff who made this year’s Carman’s Fun Run an incredible day! It was so
special to all come together in real life after two years as a community, with
an outpour of support and love for those affected by breast cancer.  BCNA managed to raise a phenomenal amount of
just under $125,000! The Gaudry Foundation very generously dollar matched the
first $10,000 raised. BCNA would love to thank our partners Sole Motive and Carman's Kitchen for making this event so wonderful.

Cancer Council - Digital mammograms a step
closer to reality to help catch breast cancer

Researchers are
now a step closer in developing automated life-saving breast cancer
risk-prediction tests. These tests could revolutionise how mammography is used
to detect the disease earlier.  For more
info CLICK

Counterpart – Whats On?

For those of you who haven’t
heard of Counterpart. They connect, support and inform people living with
breast or a gynaecological cancer to live well. They have a variety of
sessions in March including; ‘Why and how to exercise’, ‘Lobular cancer’, ‘Self-care
for lymphoedema’, ‘Chair Yoga’. CLICK HERE to
check out the events page.

Webcasts (Did you miss last week’s event?)

Ask the Expert: Triple Negative Early Breast
Cancer with Dr Nick Zdenkowski

Thank you to everyone to tuned into our
first Ask the Expert digital event with @DrNickZdenkowski, on triple negative
early breast cancer. ⠀We
hope you found it valuable and informative.⠀⠀

If you missed the event, the video is now
available to be viewed on-demand. To view now and see all our previous digital
events, click the link:

Books / Movies/ TV Series/ Documentaries

Patient Chef - Chris O'Brien Lifehouse

A collection of recipes and tips donated by cancer patients
and carers from the Chris O'Brien Lifehouse. Every aspect of producing the book
was donated including recipes, graphic design, editing, photography and
printing by Random House. And every cent from the sale of the book goes towards
supporting cancer patients at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse.

Take care until next time and in the meantime, if
you have feedback or any concerns while online, please contact one of the
moderators -  

@Jenny_BCNA @Carissa_BCNA @Anna_BCNA

If you need to
speak with someone regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258
alternatively, you can email

Take care,

The mod team – Mez, Carissa,
Jenny, Anna & Pat

“You can’t wait until life isn’t
hard anymore before you decide to be happy.” –  Jane Marczewski aka Nightbirde