Two different types of breast cancer
In 2019 I was diagnosed with Triple negative breast cancer in the left breast and had a masectomy and chemo. In 2022 I was diagnosed with hormonal breast cancer in the right breast and had the second masectomy. I have been on Tomoxifin for 5 months but stopped taking it after speaking with my Oncologist. I had so many side…
Decision on chemotherapy
I am diagnosed breast cancer before Christmas in 2022. I have completed surgeries and need to decide whether I will do chemotherapy. The doctor told me yesterday I had triple negative but low risk given the small size and Ki67 10%. The benefit of chemotherapy is 3-5%. I am hesitant because of concern on side effects of…
If YOU live in SE Qld from Northern NSW to Mackay I have compiled a list of face to face support groups. I started local support group on the Gold Coast back in 2019 and we now have 630 members - We opened our support group to include Ovarian due to the BRCA gene then gradually to ALL cancers for women on the Gold Coast.…
Newly diagnosed - Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Original post by @MargieD moved from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed' discussion thread:
Newbie triple negative
Hi everyone I was diagnosed in December with triple negative bc. I’ve been visiting this wonderful forum probably daily, but have only now had the courage to join. I’m currently having fortnightly dose dense ac chemo, about to have my third round and am feeling really anxious about it. I found the second round a lot more…
Ask the Expert: Triple Negative Early Breast Cancer with Dr Nick Zdenkowski
Good afternoon everyone, On the 17th of February, we will be hosting an interactive digital event on triple negative, please see details below. Triple negative breast cancer accounts for approximately 15 per cent of all breast cancers and refers to a type of breast cancer that does not have any of the three receptors…
Finally diagnosed triple negative metaplastic bc
Hi, l'm fufan, and new to the site. In May I found a lump. By September, after two ultrasounds, a mammogram and a core biopsy, I was told it was probably nothing to worry about. In November, still with a lump, I returned to the GP who sent me to a surgeon just to be sure. Then quickly followed a lumpectomy and a diagnosis…
Feeling very isolated
I am 35, and was diagnosed last year on July 12th with triple negative inflammatory breast cancer. I started AC double dose chemo on the 27th of July and then paclitaxal 21st of September. Early November it became clear the pacli had stopped being effective on the cancer in my breast so I was zoomed into surgery and had a…
Treatment decisions-Triple negative
Hi everyone I was diagnosed with triple negative, stage 3C breast cancer in October last year. Initially I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node removal. As there were no clear margins and cancer in the nodes I then had a mastectomy and nodal clearance. I had cancer in 14 out of the 31 nodes that were removed and locally…
Newly diagnosed - triple negative breast cancer
Original post created by member @Deb2904 moved to own thread in ‘Newly diagnosed’ category:
Triple Negative Surgery Options
I was diagnosed with triple negative BC in November 2020. I’m almost at the end of my chemo (DDAC followed by Taxol). I was diagnosed stage 1B, grade 2 left side only. Gene testing came back with nothing. I’ve been told I can have lumpectomy only plus radiation and it will be just as effective as Mastectomy. Struggling to…
Triple negative and menopause
Hi all, it’s been a while since I’ve visited this site, I have my 3rd year post treatment check up coming up in a few weeks, so far all clear 😁 I was wondering if any of you chemo induced menopausal women have any advice on skin care. I feel like my skin is ageing at a rapid rate. I’ve been taking silica, tried many…