Newbie triple negative

Clairebear7 Member Posts: 12
edited January 2022 in Newly diagnosed

Hi everyone

I was diagnosed in December with triple negative bc. I’ve been visiting this wonderful forum probably daily, but have only now had the courage to join.  I’m currently having fortnightly dose dense ac chemo, about to have my third round and am feeling really anxious about it. I found the second round a lot more challenging than the first and am worried about how the third round will go - and just looking for some support I guess. I don’t really have a question just wanted to join this lovely supportive network and say hi. 



  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    Welcome Clairebear7 to club noone wants to join.   Wishing you well with your chemo treatment.    It took me a long time to post when I was first diagnosed but I found this forum very helpful.   Cheers
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    edited January 2022
    Hey darl 🙂. Nice of you to say hi. A lot of us were stalkers before we posted 😄. 
    Hope you’re doing as well as can be, considering the circumstances. Keep in touch on here when you need to. 
  • Clairebear7
    Clairebear7 Member Posts: 12
    Thank you everyone for your lovely replies. I’m doing ok, tomorrow is the dreaded round 3, but today I feel good and have the public holiday to spend with my family, so I’m going to try to enjoy it as much as I can. 

    My kids start back at school on Monday and I’m a bit sad that I may not feel well enough to take them on their first day. But it is what it is.

    I definitely have good days, started feeling human again around day 8/9 after round 2! Will keep that in mind when I'm in the trenches. It’s so nice to have some lovely ladies who understand, that I can vent to. 
    Thank you for taking the time to reply :)
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,442
    hi Clairebear7 
    we have a facebook group for TNBC
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,442
    I am 9yrs since diagnosis with No evidence of disease (NED) 
    take it one day at a time with treatment. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,283
    SO glad you've found us, @Clairebear7.  Yep, Most of us 'stalk the forum' for a while, before putting up that first post ....  Whack up any questions that you have & hopefully we'll be able to help out xx

    I hope your session tomorrow is easier than the previous one xx.   I hope you can go with the kids to school, even as a passenger xx

    All the best and enjoy today with the family xx
  • Clairebear7
    Clairebear7 Member Posts: 12
    Thank you everyone for your encouraging replies. I made it through round 3!!! Just have a little lingering nausea on day 7. I even made it to take the kids on their first day, it was a struggle but they were very happy to have their mum with them. 😊

    I have to get my second Covid jab tomorrow and I’m a little nervous, has anyone else had a Covid vax during chemo? 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,283
    WOOHOO!!  Well done on making it thru Round 3 - and for making the kids on their first day!  That was pure guts on your behalf xx

    Hubby had all his covid jabs during chemo & I was more affected than him!  Weird!!  He mainly just had a sore arm. I hope that is 'it' for you too xx

    take care & all the best as you recover from this round xx
  • Clairebear7
    Clairebear7 Member Posts: 12
    Thanks arpie 😊😊😊

    I hope so too. Fingers crossed. 🤞
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,524
    Hi @Clairebear7, well good on you. We all have a good look around before being brave enough to post or comment on anything. Well done getting through round 3.

    One session at a time is how you get through and I agree with @Mazbeth about imagining chemo as a golden light. I use to do that each session, just imagining that the chemo gold would only destroy cancer cells and not the healthy ones. 

    Your probably active with 3 kids but gentle walks help fatigue if you are up to it. Drink plenty of walk to or add a bit of cordial if it helps it taste better. Don't forget your skin. Chemo days the skin out to plenty of moisturiser. My only other suggestion for now is take really good care of your mouth. Use floss and gargle with salty water after meals to prevent ulcers. 

    You will get through this. Remember there is no judgement here and you can say or ask anything. Big hugs to you 🌺
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,283
    edited February 2022
    Message sent re Webcast on 17th Feb ...
  • Clairebear7
    Clairebear7 Member Posts: 12
    Thanks @Cath62 for the great advice! Unfortunately I have had issues with mouth ulcers, no matter what I do I have had them since round 2. I find the kennalog cream quite good and have been doing salt and bicarb rinses. 
    One more ac to go then onto fortnightly Paclitaxel. Hoping with everything that it’s easier than the ac. 🙏 

    So far no side effects from the Covid jab! 

    Thanks @arpie - I will check it out! 😊
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,524
    Bummer with the mouth ulcers @Clairebear7. Keep up the mouth care as best you can. Well one getting there with AC. Most of us seem to find AC harder than paclitaxil. Only issue with paclitaxil is some people get a bit of neuropathy. If any numbness or tingling in your fingers and toes please let your oncologist know immediately. Best wishes to you.
  • JudeDude
    JudeDude Member Posts: 4
    I didn't get ulcers, but I had really bad mucositis in my throat. The oncology clinic where I got chemo gave me Xylocaine viscous - it's an anaesthetic liquid and numbs your mouth and throat. It was my wonder gargle when nothing else would work and I just needed a break from feeling the pain. Happy pink gel if you can get your hands on it! I'm thinking I'm a bit late offering advice, but just in case the ulcers are lingering. Pac much easier to handle than AC - hang in there. xx