Post op pain
Hi just wanted to hear feedback on post op pain people have following their surgeries. I had breast conservation surgery with sentinal node biopsy. Lots of dull pain down my arm all the time and across my chest. Does anyone experience similar? XX
Home from Surgery
Hi, I'm home now (yesterday) and it's over. On the morning of my mastectomy surgery (Monday 18 May) I was feeling quite anxious but trying to remain positive at the same time. The staff were lovely but I found not as friendly as my first lot of treatment for wide local excision with nodes removal or perhaps it was me with…
Bras for larger sizes
I was wondering if anyone knows of a store Brisbane Northside that caters for 20E/F post surgery bra-as my surgery next Tuesday . thank you 💕
Home from surgery Ann's staying positive
I had surgery yesterday with wide lobal excision and sentinal node biopsy. No nodes removed. I am home in less than 24hrs. The amount removed was the size of an orange. Full results next week. Doing well feeling strong but weary. Just the next waiting game for the full results. Need to keep myself positive. I am in awe of…
Friends say the dumbest things
I have chosen to tell a select few friends for support but now wondering about a couple of those. I guess time will tell who is who on this with me. I was feeling emotional 3 days after surgery and phoned a friend. After asking how I was and me explaining how confronting it all was this friend said 2 things: 1. Join a…
Count down to surgery
I’ve always looked forward to new adventures and or changes in my life. How do I prepare for coming home knowing I’ll be missing a part of me? I’m a size 18 mother of a 5 year old son and am loved by my fiancé for who I am. I’m worried how this might change me.
Could it be Lymphoedema
Over the past month I’ve had pain on the left rib cage near where I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy and radiology treatment. There doesn’t appear to be any swelling but it hurts when in inhale but not exhale. It’s probably just muscular but It really hurts when I sneeze. I’ve had a chest X-ray and all clear and…
Post mastectomy pain
So it’s 12 days since my double mastectomy. Drains came out yesterday which was a huge relief. I was blaming them on the incredible discomfort. However, not much has improved. The drain hole sites are still very sore and the top of my rib cage and chest area. I told the visiting nurses and they said it’ll probably be…