Nightly thoughts x
Well very close to receiving all post surgery results Monday the day and got appointment with oncology Thursday
Dealing with emotions
Hello ... I'm generally not a joiner in community forums of this type, but here I am ... I was diagnosed on December 23 last year (2018) and had surgery (lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy) on January 15. I start radiotherapy on Feb 18. I've recovered physically really well: my surgeon is great, she's done a fabulous job…
Nighties etc
Now here is a random question. What type of nighties/sleepwear/clothing should I be buying myself for post mastectomy op weeks? We will be in the midst of a hot summer, I know there will be drains etc. Any suggestions that might minimize dressing and clothing issues?
Reclaim Your Curves - Sydney Support Lunch Sunday 25th August
Hello! Our next lunch is on Sunday 25th August at our usual venue of Dragonfly Cafe Eden Gardens, Macquarie Park 12 noon to 3pm. We get together and chat all things reconstruction and/or breast cancer/coping/surviving etc etc etc. Please feel free to invite anyone that you may have met that would find our group helpful.
Silly Question
I don't know who to ask but after removal of milk ducts can I wear a bra straight away as I would be very uncomfortable with the other breast if this is not possible.
Tight chest
My mastectomy was five months ago. I have been moisturising, massaging and stretching on the mastectomy side. However it appears that everything is getting tighter. The Lymph Physio says to just keep doing the stretches however within ten minutes of doing so, it is tight again. My arm is okay, just my chest area. I guess…
Post op skin relief (yay)
Hello, I just wanted to let others know of some products that have really helped my post op *itch*. I heard of MooGoo on this site and have purchased some items in readiness for my radiotherapy that starts next week. For six weeks I have also had a ghastly, compelling itch around my SNL scar in my armpit. Despite using…
To bra or not to bra
I have been wondering why my healthy breast is a bit achy. At first I put it down to the fact I twisted my torso before Christmas. Then I got concerned maybe it was a cyst so I did the self examine thing but it seemed okay, however I decided to ask the onco when I see her on Friday. This morning I was talking to hubby…