Well I have bought my brazil nuts and am enjoying 2 per day (I did look for the Cadbury's Brazil nut block but it wasn't in the shop haha). Even my husband is going to eat them, you would be silly not to! I may eat more than the 2, as they are so yummy, and that is ok, not like over-dosing on medications and I wonder if my…
Just want to invite people to share meal ideas/ recepies that work for them. Many of us have families with children and transitioning to this new life style is very difficult while adapting to many other aspects that come with being diagnosed with breast cancer. I thought we could start separate one for breakfast and lunch…
Inviting people to post ideas for breakfast that are vegan.
Hi Anne Maree, My name is Sam and I was diagnosed with metastases in Feb. I thought my cancer had disappeared back in 2000 after initial diagnosis and conventional treatment so it was a huge shock! My diet, qigong, good headspace and supplements have all contributed to my lungs clearing and the bone mets regressing. Long…
Inviting people to post ideas about quick easy to prepare vegan lunches they enjoy.
Next meeting on Monday 5th July 10.00 The topic for discussion is “Health behaviors (including diet and exercise) of women who have had breast cancer.” Researchers from Griffith University have been invited to attend. Lianne