Metastatic breast cancer

Hi Anne Maree,
My name is Sam and I was diagnosed with metastases in Feb. I thought my cancer had disappeared back in 2000 after initial diagnosis and conventional treatment so it was a huge shock! My diet, qigong, good headspace and supplements have all contributed to my lungs clearing and the bone mets regressing. Long live vegans and good for you for starting this group!!!!!!
Hi Sam,
Wow, this is exciting. I wasnt sure anyone would respond to this group.How long have you been following vegan diet? I was diagnosed initially with large met in shoulder and several other bone regions and liver. I completed chemo, radiotherapy and surgery earlier in the year. I have found eating vegan food improved my digestion and kinder on my stomach. My energy has steady improved. As I have family to care for I have been slowly looking for ways of incorporating creative, simple, appealing meals from mostly organic sources where possible to allow it to become a lifestyle change for the whole family. At present I prepare about 3 vegan meals a week for the whole family. My family has a busy schedule so this is a challenge as preparing a lot of vegetables can be time consuming.
I take supplements under careful guidance of a naturopath who has experience with cancer. My naturopath does liveblood analysis which allows me to see the improvement objectively each time I go. I check herbs for any known interactions with cancer meds.
What symptoms did you get with lung mets?
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Hi there,
I have been a vegan since attending the Gawler institute in Melbourne in March. I have a 3 year old and 6 year old so often prepare 2 seperate meals but have atleast got them liking brown rice and quinoa alot more. I like to eat alot of raw food and have noticed a major difference in my energy levels. When initially diagnosed in 2000 I did the whole conventional medicine thing so this time I have avoided all drugs and my lung mets have gone and bone seems to be regressing...hopefully. Won't know full story til bone scan late August. My symptoms were a double bout of pneumonia which had me in hospital til xmas eve!!! That really sucked. I am grateful for my new knowledge and lifestyle. Take care and glad we share same goals. How are your mets going? xx
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Hi Sam,
Loved alot of the articles and information on Gawler website. I spent hours looking at all the links. Retreat is great idea for someone leaning the new lifestyle.
The state of your mind and spirit has huge effects on the ability of physical body to heal so it is so important that we find ways to be relaxed and at peace within ourselves. I dont get much physical symtoms of anxiety, however had (and still do) to stop feeling responsible if things were not achieved by the children or behavior wasnt what I desired to see. Learning to slow down and change priorities has been ongoing journey, but certainly rewarding. Initially used to feel guilty if wasnt busy all the time like before.Now I try to find balance on daily basis.
I love the sound of your museli. I dont know what bucinis are however. I have all the other ingredients. Do you soak the chia seeds? How is it made up?What are the propotions? What do you serve with it? Soy milk?
I just made container full of organic nuts eg; pecans,cashews,almonds,sunflower seeds, pepitas,macadamia nuts and gogi berries. I am triying to encourage my children to eat more nuts for snacks. I some times have this on salad withavacado, lemon juice,flaxseed oil and celtic salt
Last week I had CT scan done a little earlier (5 weeks) as I felt something wasnt quite right and it shows a possible new liver tumor but need to see Oncologist Monday for him to carefully review the new and old scans.Initially I was very anxious for 1-2 days and had trouble functioning,then I realized this anxiety couldn't help me. I know I am doing all I can. I will wait now and see what Monday brings. Thankfully I can look after my family again.
Do any of your supplements contain herbs or are they vitamins ,minerals etc?
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Hi Good luck with your scan results. I have just spent weekend at You Can Do It conference organised by Hay House in Sydney just amazing stuff. Feeling very positive and more peaceful to be honest. Feel I am letting go of resentment and guilt that I had always felt. The guilt was really habitual!
I have almond milk with my muesli and I just throw it all in together. I dont soak the seeds I only soak my nuts so they are activated.
Buckinis are made with buckwheat and are activated and caramelised so quite sweet so I add to my plain muesli. I know grains are acidic but I worked hard not to include them in my diet for my first 3 months of alkalising. The brand is loving earth and mixed with lotsa goodies it is a real treat and sometimes I crave breakfast for dinner too!
I take Indol 3 Carbinol and Lipoec Acid, Boswellia and Phytoregenex all good for breast cancer apparently. I also take my fish oil, evening primrose and vit E mix and take vitalzym so my enzyme levels cope with the seek and destroy mission and to support my immune system.
Gotta do some work now.
love and blessings to you,
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Hi Sam,
Saw my oncologist last Monday and confirmed 3 Liver tumors. Wasnt able to have bone scan Friday as they failed with cannula.
My Oncologist feels happy with my response, I was expecting a much bigger gap. My cancer on diagnosis was highly aggressive and my oncologist was thinking 18 months initially. I start chemo again this Friday.I will push on with diet and find ways to make it more simple, with increased anti-oxidants.
I have simplified my diet a little, to cope with increasing fatique in the past week. I am eating lot of raw baby broccoli, fennel, lettuce etc fresh from garden, with dressing of garlic, lemon juice, celtic salt. I get protein with lentils, nuts chia seeds or protein powder. I have leafy green powder 3-4 times day, plus vitamins.
What was the outline of your alkaline diet in the first 3 months.
Had lunch with friend who went to same conference as you last weekend. She had a lovely time as well.
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Have you thought about coffee enemas ie. Gerson therapy to help your liver? I have the kit here but have stuck to colonic irrigations only which I have read are especially good for treating breast cancer. I recommend Marianne Williamson-A reason for love and Shivani Goodman- 9 steps to reversing cancer and other serious illnesses as books. I saw Marianne at conference and she is amazing. I do qigong every day and have started running my classes twice a week. It is amazing how many people have recovered using qigong and diet alone. It makes sense as it is all about oxygenating the body and my breathing is much deeper because of it. My diet purely consisted of colourful raw, mainly, vege in the first 3 months plus some spelt bread, chickpeas, lentils and quinoa.
Apparently chickpeas are hard to digest and broccoli needs to be atleast covered in boiling water for 30 seconds to make it more digestable. Have I mentioned vitalzym? I buy it from return2health. net but it is expensive. It lasts a few months though as I just take 10 a day. The enzymes are meant to help with breakdown of cancer cell wall. I have had another good result with urine test from phillipines. It is easy to do and you can find it at Navarro Medical Centre. I have steadily dropped my reading over 4 and 1/2 months. I too waiting for bone scan now on August 24th a little apprehensive but excited too as everything seems to be moving in right direction but I need to see the proof.
Take care and all the best. Discipline is hard but worth it x
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Hi Sam,
Just a short note to say I havent disappeared. There is a lot of info in your last entry. I will see my Naturopath this week and discuss some of the things. I did try looking for the returnt2health website but failed.I am on enzymes but will look into the ones you are taking.
I restarted chemo nearly 3 weeks ago. I am not happy to go diet alone at this stage as I have been on similar diets right up until I was diagnosed last year. Meditation plays a big part of my life, I believe in remaining in peaceful place very important for wellbeing and healing.
I have been going to naturopaths for nearly 20 years believing my health issues could be solved this way. I still highly value natural health, however I believe I have deeper issues with my immune system which caused this cancer to grow out of control despite being constantly vigilent in improving my health.
I have rarely been to doctors up until diagnosed, apart from having the odd tests done.
I start my second round chemo this friday. I have had to readjust life again, relearning how to live 'well' on chemo.
Let you know what I come up with after appoint on Wednesday
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Hi Sam,
How did your scan results go?
I have been put in touch with a lady who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She wants to go vegan/organic.
Did you get the 100 percent alkaline diet out of a book or given by a practitioner. Your diet seems less complex than mine so I am keen to explore this.What food groups were you allowed in the 1st 3 months.
Do you do juicing?
Many Thanks
Anne Maree
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What brand/ type spelt bread do you eat?
Anne Maree
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Hi ,
My scan results showed no change which was disappointing but my chinese doctor pointed out clear boundaries and less uptake in higher spine areas and my other docs are just surprised it has not spread at all in 6 months. I go to Energise for Life website for info on alkaline foods and then just choose best. I started with only vege and grains quinoa and legumes that is all. Plus I had healthybake spelt bread with avocado so snuck a bit of grain in. Just been in samoa for 2 weeks terrible diet looking to improve again quickly!!! Take care hope you are well gotta run 3 year old yelling for attention....
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Hi Celeste,
Welcome, it is exciting to have some more interest in this group. I eat Sprouted Spelt bread - Pure Life brand. I tried it a year ago and did not like it. I found it hard to cut. However I have revisited this brand as sprouted is more nutritious. Yes I get it from my local health food shop. I dont have a receipe.This time I began to enjoy it. I slice it up when fresh and freeze it. Then eat lightly toasted with avacado,celtic salt and organic sliced tomato. I enjoy this a couple of times a week as a quick lunch on the run. They say it has good easily digestible protein content which is what you need when fighting cancer.
Sam has been to a Gawler retreat so you might like to send her a message on one of her replies.
Which book are you reading? I havent got any of his books, is it mostly about diet?
Yes Alkaline diet what most tend to recommend. I have found some good receipes and ideas by Googling ALKALINE. energiseforlife website has couple great videos to watch.
Aim to eat 70-80 percent alkaline forming foods each day. They recommend good portion of raw vegies with each meal. I have a salad with our meal lunch and dinner.
Filtered water between meals to keep good hydration is also important. I aim for 2-3 litres daily, however I dont always succeed.
I aim to juice once daily as I find it too difficult with children and doing life. I do whatever I have,lemon rind, little spinach,celery,small amount carrot, broccoli,ginger, bok choy,apparagus...
I take a leafy green powder which consists of broccoli,barley,bean,pea,spinach between 3-6 times a day.
I have joined a organic community farm in my local area. I was invited to help in another ladies plot who had breast cancer previously. Now I enthusiastically enjoy getting out in the fresh air with company and growing nutritious organic fruit and vegies under her guidance. I also buy organic vegies from other locals at the farm for a very reasonable price.We are gradually expanding the variety of our crop and I am learning slowly how to live on seasonal food. We are currently harvesting garlic. I use a lot of garlic and am leaning how to store it by hanging them with their leaves still on in dry place.
You can google fruit and vegies highest in pesticides so you know which ones are important to get organic.
Yes you are right about no red meat/dairy/processed foods..However lamb is more recommendable if you have it occaisionally.
Fish needs to be deep sea,wild .
It is good to be under an experienced practitioner who has experience with cancer. I take minerals, super Bs ,digestion enzmes,protein powder which is pea based.
If on chemo you have to check what you can take.
I use coconut oil,celtic salt,good aust olive oil,almonds,flaxseed oil,lemons, garlic,ginger also in my diet. I use a variety of legumes but highly recommend chia seeds and quinoa .Quinoa is a seed and whole protein. It is great substitute to rice.
I also get all my other organic produce from a local co-op shop. They are a non profit shop. You take your own containers.
I am slowly converting over fully to chemical free cleaning products to reduce the toxins.
This is a very gradual process to get the hang of things so dont be too hard on yourself.
I hope this is of some help.
Feel free to reply.
Kind Regards
Anne Maree0 -
Hi Celeste, welcome i am in a hurry sorry but wanted to let you know that i loved the gawler foundation and the program is life changing and well worth the bucks. My advice is eat no animal products at all if you are brave enough to go cold turkey even better! I cant even eat one of my beaut chicken's eggs now as my body is sensitised. I like Ann Maree eat quinoa and i have brown rice now too mixed with avocado carrot beetroot cabbage cucumber etc. I aim to eat as much raw food as possible but love haelthybake spelt bread it rocks! I also eat organic gluten free wraps with my salad often for lunch. I eat stacks of hummus and some falafel, sweet potato and dont have starchy stuff like potatoes. I eat very little fruit but sometimes throw in an apple. I always start the day with lemon juice in warm alkaline water and take heaps of supplements that i mainly researched myself but main ones for breast cancer are indol 3 carbinol and lipoec acid plus i have a hormone receptive cancer and use progesterone cream as this has been known to bring on apoptosis so i am a bit of a guinea pig with that one but my hormone levels are excellent and i sleep like a baby. My diet has improved my life though i have lost 17 kilos i have also lost sinus and ibs and feel the best ever. Some people dont do as well eating mainly raw food so listen to your body but not your mind...saying just give me one of those chips, lamb chops, yoghurt etc etc. I feel it is not forever and my cancer is regressing slowly. My supposed lung mets are gone and i attribute that to diet, qigong, and budwig diet, google the latter if you dont know about it. Good luck fellow warrior!
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Hi Sam,
You are very inspiring. I have just opened up 3 new blogs for meal ideas as I have people asking for ideas in this area. Would welcome your input when you have time.
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Hi Sam, Just curious with the Budwig diet do you have the cottage cheese and flaxseed oil mix?
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Hi yes flaxseed oil blended in quark or organic cottage cheese made palatable with raspberries. I dont remember every day but try to have it as often as possible. Have heard of a man recently who dropped his PSA from 500 to 1.6 using diet and budwig. I think it shows real promise! Vegan era is a good website for recipesI suppose you already know. Google raw food recipes for some great ideas. I am a bit lazy when it comes to my turn after preparing the kids meal so salad is my staple. Glad warmer months are here! Take care you are inspiring to me we can all inspire each other!!!!