Mastectomy bra and prosthesis issues
Hi all, its been 2 1/2 years since my left sided mastectomy and I am doing well. I do have a problem with mastectomy bras and prosthesis though. Even with great fitters and rebates, I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to find properly shaped prosthesis and comfortable mastectomy bras. My bras constantly twist and I end…
Always Worried
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 HER 2+ Breast Cancer with 17/18 Lymph Node positive on my 40th Birthday in October. I have since had a Total Mastectomy and Axillary Dissection. I have undergone 4 cycles of AC and am currently about to have my 3rd cycle of Taxol with Herceptin every 3 weeks. I have 2 beautiful…
Second time round. . .
Hi Everyone, Well the wends before Christmas i found out i have breast cancer for the second time sitting there in such shock i told my doctor thank you and walked out of his room... On the way home it hit my husband who crumbled in my arms, telling my family was hard as i didn't want to ruin Christmas, everyone was sad…
But I'm only 31...
January 2016 I found a breast lump but I just shrugged it off, most of my friends had them, no big deal right? Being in the medical industry I knew I had to do the responsible thing so I went to get an ultrasound which showed a query cyst like structure. I didn't think anything of it, the size of the lump would go up and…
Post-mastectomy clothing suggestions
Hi, I've been trying to find clothes that are designed with post-op ladies in mind. All I get from Google is ways to hide that I've had surgery which isn't what I'm looking for. I've had a bilateral mastectomy and, for the moment, I don't plan on getting reconstruction or wearing prosthetics. I'm enjoying not having…
Famous breast cancer survivors
Hysterectomy query
i am 54 and had a double masectomy 2 years ago and have been monitoring my ovaries through my gyno/oncologist. Although i don't have the Braca gene, I have a growing cyst and fibroid and various pains and she has said it would not be unreasonable to have a hysterectomy. I am thinking about it seriously and am wondering if…
Knitted Knockers - Health and well being
Was given a link to Knitted Knockers (love the name) Kk is a non profit organisation that engages women to knit prostheses for women free of charge who have had a mastectomy etc Email: burwoodn@****.au / knittedknockersaustralia@**** I have recently sent away for my "knockers" !! Hope this helps out some ladies xx