Chest looking like it has caved after double mastectomy
hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this? for the last few days I have been feeling a "tugging" sore feeling over my mastectomy scar (double mastectomy 18 months ago, no chemo or radio). I checked the chest and I have an area beneath the scar on the chest wall that looks to have sunken. Any ideas what…
Ran in the Bridge to Brisbane
just wanted to give all the newly diagnosed some hope. August 2015 I had a mastectomy and axillary clearance. Had 6 TAC chemo, then radiation then three weeks in hospital with an infected seroma. Finally off medication in May 2016 and started running. For me it was something to focus on. A couple of weeks ago I ran 5 k in…
Double or single mastectomy
Hi All I am about to turn 50, happy birthday me! I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. They say a lumpectomy with radiation will do, but that is what they said to my sister and it came back big time. So to me it's a no brainer, get the whole breast off, however I am thinking why would I keep the other one??? To…
Central Coast Support Lunch
The Central Coast Support Lunch today was a lovely time of sharing experiences, offering encouragement and enjoying great food.Our guest speaker was Jane, who shared information about BCNA's latest projects and resources with us - thanks so much Jane. We all appreciate the wonderful work that BCNA does to support women…
breast conserving surgery or mastectomy
I am trying to work out which course to take i.e. breast conserving surgery or mastectomy. My Dr has indicated breast conserving would suffice however it appears from my reading that with breast conserving surgery there is a higher chance the cancer could comeback in the breast area.I'm almost 70 and am now leaning towards…
Decision time - lumpectomy or masectomy?
It's been quite a interesting three weeks or so for me. An inflamed breast, biopsy, inconclusive results, surgical biopsy and today a diagnosis of high grade intaductal carcinoma with prominent atropine change. No family history of breast cancer. Throughout this time, for whatever reason, I anticipated that it would be…
Mastectomy and reconstruction tomorrow...trying not to freak out
Its exhausting, all of the tests, fertility preservation went well yesterday, they managed to get 11 eggs! Ive got my fingers crossed that there will be some survivors out of this batch, I know I'm strong but I can't do that again...71 injections/cannulations to date. It's suppose to get easier right? Im still waiting for…
since being diagnosed with DCIS the rlationship with my partner has taken a turn for the worst. I am 61 and we have been living together for 2 years and dating 2 years peior to that. When we met our life was wonderful, full of fun and lots of intinacy and sex. Now it is dull and lifeless with both of us looking at perhaps…