the hurdles we face are enough without this crap
it now appears there is a risk that I will not be able to have my mastectomy as I am in a wheelchair!!!! read these two links which are in our local paper today. You would all know the various, and sometimes all at once, feelings, thoughts and moods you go through, especially in the first couple of weeks of diagnosis.…
Yinging and Yanging
Hello to everyone ..xx Well my ct scan and bone scan came back normal ,and l should e dancing on the moon ..l was very relieved ..But l am booked in for a double mastectomy next Friday and lymph node as well .lm ok sometimes and feel like ok l will do this ..then lm so panicked l feel like lm going insane and terrified…
Mastectomy or not
I am 68 and have been diagonised with breast cancer in both breasts.Have just had 4 lumpectomy's. 3 in one breast and one in the other. They did not get clear margins in one breast. Can anyone give advice on your experience on whether to have an implant or not. And your experience with a tissue expander been inserted. Is…
Hints and tips for pain relief?
Hi another question, they are never ending at the moment. So I had a bilateral mastectomy on the 9th of March with sentinel node biopsy. Then due to nodes coming back positive had to go back to get Level 2 nodes removed on Thursday 23rd of March. I also got my chemo port inserted at the same time. Am home now and in lots…
Breast reconstruction awareness event in Port Macquarie
Another Breast Reconstruction Awareness Event done and dusted! Port Macquarie welcomed us this time, and we heard about available reconstruction techniques from the lovely Dr Moradi and Dr Hingston. Our special women Alex, Trudy and Vicki shared their personal stories around making an informed decision regarding whether to…
newly diganosed
HI, I really dont know what to say, 2 weeks been diagnosed with bc in my rb and have really not talked to anyone. its all happened way so fast. I feel fine....even my gp did not know when i had to go get a referral to the oncologist surgeon. the doctor said i had a chose either full mastectomy or lumpectomy. I have for…
12 Days Post Mastectomy and Diep Flap Reconstruction and 3 weeks off Arimidex
Hey Ladies!!!! Thought Id put out a post as am 12 days now post surgery and you all know how horrendous the whole thing was...BUT I am happy to say that I am amazed at how I am now healing. Im sleeping about 4hrs then up, but thats ok. The pain has subsided dramatically, I take Panadol Osteo and Nurofen every 8hrs now…