Friday Update!
A big hello to everyone. Welcome to the Friday Update. This week we have 23 new members. Please welcome @belcummo, @rpnr, @can-bra, @awhol @Mobbster58 and all our new members. Community highlights Each week we have lots of different discussions take place in the online network. These can include questions, updates,…
Do We Need a Special Day for Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness? Thoughts from a turtle in a cape
Why do we need a special day for secondary breast cancer? Don't we have a whole month of 'pink'? Isn't that enough? Thoughts from a turtle in a cape.......... You can see by my profile pic that I am a turtle. I live life and do not just exist through it.As a good little turtle - I may be slow but I never ever stop. It was…
We are whole
My daughter just tagged me in this video .... I found it emotional but good emotions... https://www.facebook.com/buzzfeedladylike/videos/1858808131072078/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
We are strong women
Its Friday
hi everyone thought I would give us something to do .... not that we are not busy but come Friday it is the end of the appointments for the week etc and time to catch our breathes ready for next week. THIS picture has a phone which has fallen off the Coffee table onto the Carpet can you find it ? Don't spoil it if you…
Time out
I found this in clipart recently as I was looking for something totally unrelated. It sums up my days at present, a mad woman trying to do 10 things at once. We all know we need time out in order to get through this roller coaster but the everyday still has to be taken care of Time to go and head out into the sunshine Take…
If it's to be, it's up to me
Times have changed
Hi ladies, I wanted to share that today it's 44 years since my mum had bc, she is alive and well 80 years old, independant climbs ladders and works in the op shop. 44 years ago they gave her the most horrendous scars I've ever seen on boobs but still here. I remember watching my dad, I was 12 taking of her bandages and…
A Heartwarming Story - Rio Olympics 2016
Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you all this wonderful story of Ellia Green. The 23yr old who came off the bench to score the match winning try, in Australia's win over New Zealand at the Rio Olympics, for the Australian women's ruby seven team! Before every match Ellia writes "mum" on her wrist strapping to inspire…
This weeks Inspiration
Powerful words
Hi everyone my name is Marcela I am 44 years old and was diagnosed last year October the 1st with Her2 positive metastatic BC. The cancer has spread to my liver and bones (spine, pelvis and some on my ribs). This was my initial diagnosis. So as you all know just getting a diagnosis of BC is traumatising enough but to be…
A Message from Elizabeth Taylor