thank you for my birthday wishes
Hi ladies, to all of you who sent me birthday wishes for October 25th,I say a very big thank you, you know who you are!. I havent been very active on the bcna online forum, in fact I havent been very active at all!Life has been very quiet, chemo three weeks out of 4, and as its a 4 hour round trip and then factor in the…
Reclaim Your Curves - Sydney Support Lunch - Sunday 28th April 2019
Come along and join us over lunch - a relaxed and informal setting in which you can ask any questions you may have, share any gems of information that you may have gathered, and meet up with other women who understand and share a similar experience to yours. Dragonfly Cafe - Eden Gardens Macquarie Park 12noon to 3pm <br><a…
The Funny Things
I thought we should have a thread about things that are so absurd about survivorship they shoot right beyond being depressing and just make us laugh, and of course for the things that are just FUNNY. It might be something legitimately hilarious, maybe something upsetting that you've started laughing at for one reason or…
Music to soothe your soul...or pump you up....or let out the rage...
Following on from the excellent discussion about what movies to watch when you're housebound and recovering, I thought I'd ask about music. What kind of music has helped you? Do you have a "go to" song if you're feeling stressed, sad, angry, happy? A lot of people seem to resonate with "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten. How…
What do I do?
My baby sister turns 42 next week. She is facing the end of her life with breast cancer now in her bones, liver, lungs and brain. Every moment I have left is a moment I treasure. I want to scream, I often cry and when I am with her I always try to smile. She is the bravest woman I know. I would be so grateful for any ideas…
You are invited to come & try Dragon Boating in Melbourne!!!
You are invited to come & try Dragon Boating in Melbourne!!!
Reclaim Your Curves - Central Coast Support Lunch 11 November 2018
Our final lunch for 2018 is based around the topic of "Well-being after breast cancer surgery" and we have some fabulous guest speakers including: Kate from Lymphatic Solutions - she is passionate about recovery after breast cancer Merryn from Soul Safaris - focusing on mindfulness and meditation to help emotional recovery…
Cancer Council Daffodil Day
I don't know what it's like in the rest of the country but here in Melbourne the sun is shining and it feels like spring. A perfect day for a daffodil. Plus we've got a new Prime Minister... Have a good weekend!
Thank you to a supportive friend
I had to share with you the wonderful handmade gift I received from a very clever friend today. It really lifted my spirits and as I wait for a ‘verdict’ on chemo therapy, it’s exactly what I needed. Thank goodness for creative, caring friends xx
Finding Happiness In The New Normal
I'm in the process of rebuilding my life after BC. My internal and external life. The oncologist says the physical recovery from chemo will take about a year. I'm at the three month mark from the bilateral mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction and feel more or less physically recovered though my belly is still quite tight.…
Crown Henna!
SO excited ladies! My end of chemo crown henna is happening right now! The gorgeous Mahima is doing a fabulous job. Squee!
Blown Away!
I just want to say to everyone that I've been absolutely blown away this last week with the quality and quantity of beautiful, hearfelt, compassionate, wise and clever advice and comfort that's been given on this website. We've had quite a number of newbies join, and some regular members having a tough time. You are all…