Diagnosed on 1 May 2017
I am 58 and have a lifetime habit of healthy living. Therefore,when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014, like everyone else I'm sure, I couldn't believe it. It never occurred to me I would get cancer. After I competed treatment I did everything I could think of to ensure I would be healthy and cancer free.…
Central Coast Support Lunch
Central Coasties - come and join us for lunch. It's a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends, share gems of information, ask your questions, and enjoy great food together. Our next lunch is on Sunday, 13th August at 12.30pm - The Point Cafe in The Japanese Gardens - 36 Webb St, East Gosford. We will have guest speaker…
"We can not direct the wind but we can adjust our sails"
This article in The Age today made me smile knowingly and cry a little. Loved her speech at the end. http://www.theage.com.au/good-weekend/-4sd5c.html. Take care all. Xxx Jane
Breast reconstruction awareness event in Port Macquarie
Another Breast Reconstruction Awareness Event done and dusted! Port Macquarie welcomed us this time, and we heard about available reconstruction techniques from the lovely Dr Moradi and Dr Hingston. Our special women Alex, Trudy and Vicki shared their personal stories around making an informed decision regarding whether to…
Offers of help
People keep saying, "let me know if there's anything I can do to help". What help have you needed and what " help" has helped the most? Single Mum, 5yr old with developmental delays and ASD, no family available, new to the area, limited amount I can ask of friends. Don't want to feel like I'm using people or taking…
I just wanted to share my thankfulness with you and offer a word of encouragement. Last week was my 2 years "remission" mark for which I am very thankful. In that time I've had numerous surgeries, including breast reconstruction, chemo and am now on aromatase inhibitors for at least 5 years. It's certainly a road with many…
Early Christmas present
Just received a great Christmas present - the new lump in my breast is not recurrence, but a seroma that has solidified to form a hard mass. So I'm not going crazy imagining things and it's not bc again. YAHOO!!! Christmas gifts come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and they're not always gift wrapped. What's the best…
Central Coast Support Group
The Central Coast Support group enjoyed a lovely lunch together today in the beautiful setting of the Japanese Gardens. Carol was our guest speaker from Encore, a wonderful free 8 week program specifically designed for women who have undergone treatment for breast cancer. She also shared how important it is to include some…
Funny thought for the day
I bought this book recently called "Furry Logic" which is a guide to life's little challenges and makes me smile when I think it's all getting too much to handle. I feel like this quote is so appropriate for a lot of us!:
Friday Update!
A big hello to everyone. Welcome to the Friday Update. This week we have 24 new members. Please welcome @weaver, @Tilley, @DMaree, @Colette, @KezMac, @HealingPower and all our new members. Community highlights Each week we have lots of different discussions take place in the online network. These can include questions,…
Friday Update!
A big hello to everyone. Welcome to the Friday Update. This week we have 23 new members. Please welcome @belcummo, @rpnr, @can-bra, @awhol @Mobbster58 and all our new members. Community highlights Each week we have lots of different discussions take place in the online network. These can include questions, updates,…
Do We Need a Special Day for Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness? Thoughts from a turtle in a cape
Why do we need a special day for secondary breast cancer? Don't we have a whole month of 'pink'? Isn't that enough? Thoughts from a turtle in a cape.......... You can see by my profile pic that I am a turtle. I live life and do not just exist through it.As a good little turtle - I may be slow but I never ever stop. It was…