TV Show (WARNING - may be upsetting)
I have been bingeing a new Australian TV show on Foxtel called "The End". I put the warning on the title because it is about death, suicide, end-of-life care, assisted dying and so may be too confronting for some. There is no "stand" taken on any issue, just portrayal. The reason I'm posting is that there is a beautiful…
Hair loss tears
Haven't been here for a while.. works kept me busy.. and because of my profession people expect me to cope, to manage, to know how to deal with all this BC malarkey... I go to work each day smile with a brave face and manage the case files off 65 vulnerable people... see some terribly sad situations... and I sit here,…
Hi ladies, away with my family spending some quality time but last 24 hours been so emotional and stressed, was diagnosed with TNBC early Dec, having 4 rounds of chemo, 16 rounds of taxol and then surgery - unsure at this stage what surgery as having genetic testing in a couple of weeks to see if I am a carrier for bracca…
Newly Diagnosed and trying to cope
Hi my name is Suzie and I found a lump 1 week prior to christmas whilst checking my breasts in the shower. My lump is under my right breast just above the breast bone. I had one biopsy done with the results being inconclusive then they wanted to do another biopsy this one with a bigger tissue sample of the lump. The drs…
Metastatic Breast Cancer found just by accident
Hi, I’m 58 years old & was in pretty good health when I sustained a massive bruise after just a small amount of pressure in my pelvic area. I showed a friend (nurse) who told me to go to the doctor sooner rather than later. From there my journey began. After ultrasounds, CT scans, MRI’s & about 25 vials of blood it was…
Anxiety and Lexapro
It is four years on since I was diagnosed, had a mastectomy, chemo and year of Herceptin. I am still on Lexapro but have tried to stop. Started weaning of them in August last year, and was doing a mix of 10mg, 5mg n none and was doing ok, til Xmas hit . I had my kids, 4 gorgeous granddaughters n supportive husband here so…
Stoic? Why? Venting
I'll say straight up that this is a vent. I don't think it would go down well in other places and might not here, either. I'm sick of hearing how strong and stoic those with cancer are, or are expected to be. If someone has cancer and is suffering pain, etc from it or from treatment, and not complaining, they are held up…
Un pc thoughts
So im writing this just to get it out. I dont really expect a solution. Apologise in advance if the un pc nature of this is not nice. I am getting a counsellor soon. Ive been aware all along that im somehow responsible for how others feel about my cancer but lately I've felt something doesn't quite work for me and I'm…
newly diagnosed - IDC
Hi Everyone, I am so glad to see such a supportive group of people. I have recently been diagnosed with invasive Ductal Carcinoma in my right breast 15MM in size, my left had a lump but it was noted as benign fibroadenoma. My GP says from the report that it has not reached my Lymph nodes so that's positive, but at the…
DCIS not sure how to feel
Long story so I do apologize. In Nov 2015 I took a massive step of having weight loss surgery. In June I went to see my plastic surgeon in Sydney for my pre op to having loose skin removed due to my severe weight loss. Now just only about 3 weeks prior to this appointment had I had a mammogram as part of the surgeons…
Unsure of test results,,
Hi I have recently been through a ultrasound,mammogram,which had conflicting results then went to have a ultrasound biopsy and MRI and still no clear idea so recently had a TOMOsynthesis mammogram and VABB and got results back today,My local outpatients have said I may have very early stage breast cancer and have booked me…
Have you lost a ‘friend’ due to BC?
I think that many of us have already lost, or may lose someone they considered ‘a friend’ before we were diagnosed with BC .... and it IS very hurtful and perplexing .... made more difficult particularly if you’d helped them thru a family or illness previously .... This is a thoughtful piece on the loss of a friend thru BC…
Was diagnosed 27th November 2019 I'm in some kind of denial
My story actually starts when I had my 2 yearly mammogram which was in October this year. I'm one of those people that when some test needs to be done I do it. This time was no different but deep down I felt odd about it for some strange reason. All the other times I was of a lower weight but this time I was heavier and of…