Listening to Raelene Boyle's podcast is well worth it, as well as Charlotte Tottman's!
We often recommend that new members have a listen to Charlotte Tottman's podcasts on dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis http://www.drcharlottetottman.com.au/my-podcast.html.... and I've only just listened to Raelene Boyle's - and it is terrific! SO ... If you've never listened to the interview with Raelene Boyle ....…
Adelaide-based members: Opportunity to participate in Breast Cancer documentary
Hi everyone! I'm sharing an opportunity to participate in a documentary being created as
part of a second-year film project at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment
(AIE). The focus of the documentary to share women’s experiences of breast cancer, including diagnosis and treatment with the goal to highlight resilience…
Diagnosed Today
Hi all, I'm new here. I'm 48. I had my last Mammogram in November 2022, and was due for my next December 7th....however.... I went to the GP in November after feeling a breast lump for 10 days which I was hoping was hormonal. It didn't go away so I got it checked. GP didn't seem concerned but she appreciated that I was and…
Choosing a surgeon (Melb) -New diagnosis overwhelm
Hi there, Im 49 and had my first routine mammogram in September- no family history or symptoms. They discovered calcifications, had a biopsy then 5 days ago I was told I had breast cancer. Stage 2-3 6cm aggressive.That’s all I can remember to be honest as I was in so much shock. Got referred to my GP in the afternoon and…
Newly diagnosed - feeling lost despite stuff happening.
I was diagnosed a few weeks ago, rarer invasive mucinal carcinoma. Coping well with what I know is happening but not so well with what I need to do, or where to get explanations. I’m having a Scout clip implanted tomorrow because I can’t have the MRI my surgeon requested. I have a CRT (heart) device and MRI was requested…
Today's feelings in poetry
Lucky So lucky, people say. That they caught it when they did That it hasn’t spread That they got it all That I have insurance So, so lucky. That my friend told me about her cancer That I finally moved my arse and Went and had that mammogram That I live in the lucky country So lucky That my prognosis is good That my job…
More information about Elle MacPherson's breast cancer treatment
For anyone who wants to know more about why Elle may have decided not to have chemotherapy. https://theconversation.com/elle-macphersons-breast-cancer-when-the-media-reports-on-celebrity-cancer-are-we-really-getting-the-whole-story-238231
Recent diagnosis and new to the group
Good afternoon. My name is Jenny and I was diagnosed with Grade 2 cancer in my right breast on the 17 April. I had lumpectomy surgery on 4 May and a PET/CT scan last week as cancer cells were detected in 1 of 3 lymph nodes and results are pending. We met the Oncologist last Tuesday and due to several risk factors,…
All the tests and scans
Hello everyone, I’m so sorry we’re all here and so grateful to have people Around to turn to. I was diagnosed yesterday after a mammogram, US and biopsy last week. I have IDC grade 2 stage 1. ER+ and PR+. Still waiting for results of HER2Today I had an MRI and CT using liquids via a cannula. Friday I have another biopsy on…
Great Article in the Guardian Today
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/feb/14/im-an-oncologist-this-is-what-king-charles-and-my-cancer-patients-have-in-common I found this very interesting and very timely. Some of her comments really hit home.
Newly diagnosed DCIS
Diagnosed on the 25th October after a routine mammogram- no lumps/symptoms. Waiting now to be booked in for a mastectomy + reconstruction. No longer feel numb but the shock remains.