All the tests and scans

Rachelz Member Posts: 3
Hello everyone, I’m so sorry we’re all here and so grateful to have people Around to turn to. 
I was diagnosed yesterday after a mammogram, US and biopsy last week. 
I have IDC grade 2 stage 1. ER+ and PR+. Still waiting for results of HER2
Today I had an MRI and CT using liquids via a cannula. Friday I have another biopsy on a secondary mass that wasn’t biopsied in the first instance. 
Can I ask if this is normal, is it “routine” to have scans to check brain, chest, abdomen and pelvis? 
I guess I’m just worried that my surgeon thinks I may have it in other areas. 
Thank you in advance. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,040
    Welcome to the blog, @Rachelz ... it may 'seem overkill' just now ... but the more tests that you have done now, the better, I reckon!  It will give them a much better 'picture' of your situation as at 'now' ..... and also a baseline to compare with further down the track & fine tune your treatments!  So I reckon you are actually very lucky that your surgeon has requested these xx

    Keep this thread going as you proceed thru your tests & surgery & pathology & treatment plan .... you'll be able to look back on this next year, I reckon & go 'WOW' .... what a roller coaster ride!! xx

    take care & all the best 
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 190
    Hi @Rachelz, I felt the same as you at the start, but it turned out they were routine. They also picked up non cancer related things which they also then investigated, all of which were fine. All the tests and appointments are a bit of a whirlwind, and it can be overwhelming. If you have access to a McGrath Nurse you should get in contact with them they have been a great help on my journey. Once I had all of that out of the way and had a plan I felt much better.Wishing you all the best. Katie 
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 154
    Hi @Rachelz,

    like to assure you it is routine. I know of a lady who is Stage 1 and her surgeon sent her for the various tests including PET scan to check if the cancer has spread to the bones, lungs. 

    As Katie suggested, checked who your BC nurse is. Good to build the rapport with her asap. 

    Feel free to ask any questions in this network. Many amazing ladies here who are always happy to share their experiences and knowledge.

  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 134
    I had all the scans and tests, and I am glad I did. The first few weeks and months, with so many appointments, were overwhelming. It is better to get used to this system of treatments, tests, scans, mammograms, ultrasounds, etc. I felt the same as you at the beginning, Rachelz, worried about why my breast surgeon requested all these scans. However, this online network and these amazing women helped me understand that it is a normal part of breast cancer treatment. From day one, I had trust in my medical team, including the McGrath nurses who have been so supportive. This network, along with BCNA resources, podcasts, and My Journey, was invaluable. I cut everyone else out as they were not helpful because they had not gone through this journey. I took six months of sick leave to go through all the scans and other appointments, spend time on the BCNA website browsing, and get as much information as I could. I almost listened to all of Dr. Charlotte Tottman's podcasts. Podcasts ( 
    Take care and be in touch

  • Aska
    Aska Member Posts: 77
    I was stage 1 grade 1 and never got a whole body PET or does play on my mind. I would've rather have it. My oncologist is very proactive though and scans whenever I have an ongoing niggle.  So I've had hip MRI and abdo CT since. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,040
    I've always said that having a full body PET/CT when first diagnosed, would make sense, to get a complete 'look' at that point in time ..... it would also give any future scans something to compare to - as well as possibly pick up other problem areas that may not have been identified when the initial diagnosis was made (usually from mammogram and/or ultrasound) ....  It would probably be cost efficient in the longterm, too ...   

    I wonder if a member of parliament is diagnosed with cancer, no matter the stage/grade - if THEY would be given all the scans straight up .... food for thought ...
  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 375
    edited May 23
    @Rachelz wow, yes I remember well how much of a relief it was to know that there was no spread at the time of my diagnosis. I'm not sure that I agree with others that it's a good idea to do full body scans where the cancer has not got into the lymph nodes. I think it just adds to the stress, but I am glad that you are reassured by the results. Wishing you all the best for your treatment moving forward. xx