Online Q & A Event - Breast Cancer 2021: Research, Risks and Recovery - Thu, 4 Feb 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Join Breast Cancer Trials and Australia's top breast cancer experts for a virtual Q&A to discuss the latest in breast cancer research. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/breast-cancer-2021-research-risks-and-recovery-registration-132884618471 I registered for this event. The previous one was interesting.
Second time around
Hello.... I was diagnosed with DCIS Invasive grade 2 breast cancer in my left breast in Nov 2009 when I was 43yo after been sent for a mammogram because I had never had one before. I had a lumpectomy and a sentinel nobe biopsy. A dot of inconvenience was found in one of the lymph nodes which led to a second surgery and an…
Taking the next step - buying prothesis
Hi, I haven't posted for a number of months as I have been settling in to my new life with no breasts and trying to get my energy levels back. I had a bilateral mastectomy in February last year and spent chemo and my 60th birthday in lockdown. I am now on Letrozel for 5 years but otherwise life is more or less back to…
Triple Negative breast cancer diagnosis
Hi, I have found out this morning that I have triple negative breast cancer. My Chemo starts tomorrow and I am overwhelmed with saddness and aprehension of what lies ahead in my future. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow since I had the scan. My whole world has been turned upside down.
confusion surrounding types of chemo - AC TC ????
Apologies for this being my second post today, but I am recently diagnosed and things are moving so quickly it is a bit overwhelming, I have been doing a lot of reading in the different discussions about chemotherapy treatments and potential side effects and experiences. I keep seeing the abbreviations AC and TC and others…
Husband not coping
Does anyone have any advice dealing with a husband who is not dealing with a diagnosis? He’s leaning on me for emotional support and has spent most of the holidays drunk (he was a heavy drinker before) but he just sees the diagnosis as using drinking as a way to cope. I’m trying to stay strong and recover from chemo while…
TNBC Has anyone had chemo terminated early - by choice or Onc decision?
Hi, I am interested to learn of stories where chemo has been terminated earlier than the planned treatment. I was diagnosed with TNBC mid Aug 2020 - GPʻs words ʻvery aggressive grade 3, 3 cm tumour). The following week, I started AC, short break due to some challenges and then commenced Taxol weekly. I have now had 9 taxol…
Anxiety and Lexapro
It is four years on since I was diagnosed, had a mastectomy, chemo and year of Herceptin. I am still on Lexapro but have tried to stop. Started weaning of them in August last year, and was doing a mix of 10mg, 5mg n none and was doing ok, til Xmas hit . I had my kids, 4 gorgeous granddaughters n supportive husband here so…
Things worth remembering
Ruth Hunt, in Perth, has published a letter to herself, about the things she would have found valuable to know earlier, before metastatic cancer, It seemed to me a really good list for almost anyone. Her circumstances are very sad, but she has found a way of looking at the best of her life. A link to the full letter is at…