Breast care support nurses/ McGrath breast nurses - Do they follow through?
Has anyone actually received ongoing support from any of these nurses? My experience was in a private hospital. Once I was over the immediate surgical recovery, and without my reaching out there was no follow up. I had thought before my journey, that these nurses helped through all of the stages of this cancer treatment.…
Male Breast Cancer
Hi All, I feel a little out of place here, and yet it feels like the right place to be chatting. Its very unusual in men but I was diagnosed with what I now know was a stage two breast cancer on Christmas eve last year. I've since been through 6 months of chemo, mastectomy and axillary clearance and am 5 days into a 25 day…
Looking for the positives
Being in the COVID capital of Victoria it has been difficult to find many positives for some months. These masks - blah - but today I found myself appreciating mine. ''What ?'' You may be asking. Well, Ballarat has snow - real snow which lays on the ground and banks up. The temperature dropped to zero but it felt like…
Tamoxifen and Sertraline/Zoloft
Hi there This is my first post. I was diagnosed in December 2018 with ER positive BC. Had surgery to take out two lumps in left breast and lymph nodes. Lymph nodes clear, I had radio and was put on tamoxifen. I also had my ovaries out later that year. I have not gone back to work yet and am struggling to rebuild and I note…
Diagnosed 2 Days Ago
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Wednesday. I found the lump 3 weeks ago and saw my doctor straight away so it’s been stressful waiting for the results. My Auntie made a full recovery from dcis 17 years ago so I am not scared or worried. I have my CT scan in 3 days (Monday) and will get my results On…
Haiku challenge. Your day in three lines 7-5-7
Eclipse as light becomes dark Metaphor for change The crickets stop then sing again.
Newbie with pain
Hi, Would appreciate advice on coping with pain continually getting worsening. Diagnosed in Feb this year with small mets in thoracic and lumbar verebrae and since then 1 dose of palliative radiotherapy and monthly denosumab. My concern is how quickly my oral targin and fentanyl patch have had to be increased to cover my…