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Newbie with pain

LAT Member Posts: 8
edited August 2020 in Metastatic breast cancer
Would appreciate advice on coping with pain continually getting worsening.
Diagnosed in Feb this year with small mets in thoracic and lumbar verebrae and since then 1 dose of palliative radiotherapy and monthly denosumab. 
My concern is how quickly my  oral targin and fentanyl patch have had to be increased to cover my pain. Is this normal?   Do I have to let go of the fact that you are weak if you need lots of meds and accept it is what it is?
Thanks ,


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Lesley I don't know the ins and outs of pain meds but I DO know that we do not control our pain thresholds (we're all different), and that there is NO clinical benefit to suffering through pain. Take the drugs. It is 1,000,000% NOT weakness. K xox
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Dear @LAT
    I haven’t any first hand experience of what you are facing but of one thing I am sure. Pain is pain. No-one becomes a finer, better person by enduring serious pain unnecessarily in my book. Relieving pain as much as possible does not mean you are weak, it means you want to live the best life you can. Your doctors will appreciate your wish not to
    over medicate but will also want to help. Talk with them by all means but about the best means of pain relief, not about a moral judgement about perceived weakness. I hope you feel more comfortable very soon. Best wishes. 
  • LAT
    LAT Member Posts: 8
    Both your replies made me cry, in a good way , and with relief to read your answers. Thankyou . It's not a topic I talk to anyone about, barring my GP and oncologist but somehow that is not the same. I appreciate yor replies very much. Now I do have to stop being a sook as my dog doesn't like it when I  cry :),
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
  • Leia
    Leia Member Posts: 39
    Hi Lat, I don’t have personal experience of this type of pain either. I do know that taking adequate pain relief regularly is the best way to go. Once the pain works up it is much harder to get under control. Also, pain is not good for your general health. Do what you need to to be comfortable. Very best wishes going your way. 
    Dogs are very clever!
  • LAT
    LAT Member Posts: 8
    Thankyou again for your comments and the care and understanding they show. I will do as you suggest and try and keep on top of the pain without worrying about anything other than " living the best life I can."  What a great way to express what I  want to feel.😊
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hi @LAT sending you a private message
  • LAT
    LAT Member Posts: 8
  • Lisa1407
    Lisa1407 Member Posts: 258
    Hi @LAT, I have mets in my hip and when I do get pain it isn't that bad. However, I have heard the pain associated with mets in your vertebrae can be quite bad - so don't feel weak!! My concern for you is that your pain is getting worse. Do you know if your radiotherapy worked? Also, have you decided not to have other treatment (chemo or hormone). Increased pain maybe associated with the mets getting bigger which will happen if you are palliative and if so, perhaps you can get a referral to a palliative specialist who will be able to manage your pain more tightly. Of course if you are wanting to treat your mets you need to get started on something that is going to reduce those mets, particularly if the radiation didn't work- if the mets get smaller or disappear, your pain may reduce. Pain is so debilitating for everything in life and there are things that can be done. Good luck. xx
  • LAT
    LAT Member Posts: 8
    Hi Lisa1407
    Thanks for reply,  I had a bad weekend with pain but was able to speak to my GP yesterday and my fentanyl patch has been raised and that is working. My mets pain from vertebrae  presented in my left abdomen, so had trouble getting the diagnosis.The mets are from BC Dec 2017 .The palliative radiotherapy, Feb this year, worked very well and I will be asking my oncologist onThursday re more, but I have had previous radiotherapy to that area for Merkel Cell Carcinoma in 2011 so that could be a problem !
    I've made the decision to have palliative care and have met my palliative care specialist 5 weeks ago  and my GP and oncologist will refer me back when it's time. I've just been suprised (unpleasantly) by how quickly the pain " ramps up" 🤔 and so I decided it was time to reach out for support,  thankyou to all who replied 😊  
    I have joined the Living with Metastasis group and have just been exploring the site, reading and feeling I'm not alone. That helps!!
    Thanks again for your reply, much appreciated, 
    Keep safe , Lesley 
    PS, not sure of protocols....I'll learn!
  • Lisa1407
    Lisa1407 Member Posts: 258
    I am so glad you have reached out for support @LAT. Although I have not been in your position (yet!), they say that they can do so much these days to manage pain. I look forward to hearing more for you as part of the Group. Everyone is so lovely, we are all in the same situation and willing to share info. xx