Oh @Louise64, it doesn’t sound good at all, this pain you’re experiencing 😕. You must feel so confused as well and alone. My nurses told me they’d prob bandage it if it got to that point, but that they’d go ahead with the treatment anyway. Thankfully it didn’t get to that. There were places where the Mepitel wouldn’t stay on, such as under my arms and boobs, and they were also dark mahogany and very painful. The skin under my boobs was broken, red and also excruciating. I couldn’t even moisturise until ten days post radio, because the last mepitel that was put on covered the area and stays on post treatment a couple weeks. My underarms were treated for the burns during the last sessions as they weren’t covered. I did the salt water soak, for 20 mins. After that I’d cover the whole area with the inside gel of a big aloe vera leaf from the garden, after keeping it in the fridge. I’d feel relief after a few minutes, and the skin stopped hurting after about 2 days, even though I was still getting treatments. But it was constantly covered with the leaf gel. On some days I’d alternate with flamigel and QV, but the leaf helped the most. Same thing once my mepitel came off. Salt water soak, then gently scrub old skin awat and leaf gel everywhere, esp under boobs as it was unbeatable under there. Boob skin, which was constantly covered, was only pimply but otherwise not red or painful. After about 3 days broken skin was healed and pain completely gone. After 2 weeks no sign of radiation anywhere. All skin is white, soft and smooth. Not sure about the tissue underneath, but skin looks fantastic. Areas that were burnt aren’t even darker, and that’s with sensitive skin.
This was my experience, I hope it helps you in some way, or anyone else who might be suffering from this.
Good luck, I really do hope you find relief 🍀❤️.
Mon Xx