Newly diagnosed



  • SLD230317
    SLD230317 Member Posts: 6
    Well this week has been a difficult one. After my surgery going well, the surgeon said he didn't expect me to need any further treatment. However, my pathology report said otherwise. We got the top line info and the affected area was double the size initially calculated and it appears to be more aggressive than first thought. Therefore, there is the likelihood it is in my bloodstream. I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach again. I'm getting my head around it and meet with my surgeon on Thursday to talk the report in more detail and talk further treatment. Again, I'm trying to be positive and my husband, children, loved ones and discussions like these, keep my spirits up. And my son asks me every day when he gets in from pre-school if I have my new boob yet (keeps me smiling). Think he might be a boob man when he's older :smile:
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Gee! Honestly i really wish they didn't say anything until pathology comes in because honestly theyre the only results that are definitive. After 6yrs and a recurrence ive learned a lot. At least you know and will have a plan when you sit with the oncologist.  It is overwhelming because you werent expecting more news of course. Hang in there once you have a plan and chat it certainly helps knowing yr direction. Youve got this! Hugs Melinda x
  • AineG
    AineG Member Posts: 53
    Melindas Right, you never know until you have the full written report.  Speculation is not helpful.  Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you.  There's still the treatment to come. so hang on in.  Hugs Aine xox

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Well they can never actually know if it's in your bloodstream intil it lands somewhere...but chemo it's  designed to seek and destroy rapidly dividing cells so hopefullly if any escapees it will get the blighters. Mine was bigger and a higher grade than pathology and scans thought. 12 months on going strong. I always knew I would have chemo as mine was a her2 from biopsy . ..but I was still upset when confirmed. Scary times I know. We are here listening. Kath x