Bowie Struggling - she needs some encouragement



  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited March 2017
    Wow I thought I was the only silly person doing jigsaws. I was stupid enough to start a 5000 piece one and starting to regret it. I have gotten 2 pieces in all morning! :open_mouth:
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @Brenda5 go for a walk and come back to the jigsaw, your mind will be refreshed and ready to see the right pieces.  
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499

    Brenda5 said:

    Wow I thought I was the only silly person doing jigsaws.

    No way! Jigsaws are awesome!! :heart:
  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    I found puzzles a good distraction.  They had to be easy though!  Karen 
  • Share
    Share Member Posts: 217
    Hi @Bowie - I am so sorry about your diagnosis. You will find so many kindred spirits on this site !

    The 4 am horrors are the worst (or at anytime in the middle of the night for that matter). 

    At a time in your life when you feel so alone and isolated and that nobody understands you - we know what it feels like. It does not make each one of those dark thoughts subside but it is the new, crazy kind of normal that is bc.  

    Well done on you for taking a trip to the shops - driving for the first time in 8 days. It is all now a life of firsts - drive in the car; trip to the shops; out with friends. You look at your "new body" and feel like you are living an out of body experience. 

    So glad you are seeing your GP tomorrow. That will be an opportunity to talk with your GP and let them know you are finding all of this so overwhelming - perfectly normal. To be told that "we are all going to die of something one day" is not helpful and I am sure you have heard lots of platitudes (as we all have !). People try and make you feel better because they do not know what to say. That is their problem - not yours.

    I also found the telephone counsellors through the BCNA website so invaluable.

    Keep up the jigsaw puzzles - huge virtual hugs to you <3

    Sheryl xxx 

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Bowie, just wanted to say that I found my bathtub a fantastic place to have a good cry, particularly when running a bath cause no one can hear you! It's incredibly cathartic to have a good sob and release some of that pent up stress. And then when you've released your stress - now that you can go out and about - RETAIL THERAPY!!!!! Woohooooo for a new jigsaw puzzle!!! I was telling Brenda5 that my sister gave me a puzzle that is printed front and back with a 90° twist and I can only do it occasionally because I'm sure my blood pressure goes up way too high every time I try!!! Sending you a big hug. Xx Cath
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
     OMG that puzzle would send me insane I think .....  :) oh wait I am insane I have been through BC .... LOL 
    I am now inspired to get my jigsaws ready for the cooler months to while away my time. 

    Bowie what puzzles do you like to do ? 
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336

    Wishing I could give you a big hug right now.  The ladies have all given you so much encouragement through sharing their own experiences.  You will find a way to cope with all that you are faced with.  We all know so very well that when people say to us "you are so brave" that we don't feel brave, we just have no choice, we do it afraid.  We are here for you.  It is good to talk to your GP or Specialist about anxiety and depression.  I have too suffered from depression and anxiety all my life and have to say that the medication I am on is helping a lot with my mental state.  I have also recently started seeing a psychologist and find the coping techniques we discuss very helpful.   I want to encourage you to try doing things that takes your mind to a 'quiet' place, whether it be puzzles, art, reading a book, anything to lower your anxiety.  I discovered painting while I was going through chemo and it has lowered my anxiety so much.

    There is always hope, keep putting one foot in front of the other, we are here for you.