Bowie Struggling - she needs some encouragement

Member Posts: 3,444 ✭
Well it's just past 4 in the morning ..can't sleep ..Can't get the fear of waiting for my post op results next week and what the treatment is in plan ..l fear Chemo so much .l have suffered anxiety and depression most of my life and have Rhuemotoid Arthritis for 10 yrs .I fear my body won't cope with all this and my mind is just so crazy with negative thoughts all the time ,,, l lam so lonely my friends are not so supportive as l thought my kids are busy with there own lives ...Today l am going to drive for the first time in 8 days ..l will take it slowly as l need to get food ...Every time l wake up l look down at my boobs and think it was all a dream ...but no it is not ..The tail spin of the day is so long .Yes l no we all die of something as people keep saying ..but l feel like l am
slowly dying very quickly if that makes sense ..l have fleeting momements of a happy life then it just turns back to the nightmare of this life l am up against.Sozz on such a downer .but need to get it out ..Love to you all. Xxxxx
slowly dying very quickly if that makes sense ..l have fleeting momements of a happy life then it just turns back to the nightmare of this life l am up against.Sozz on such a downer .but need to get it out ..Love to you all. Xxxxx
hi @Bowie
I have made this into a discussion as others don't get to quickly see it when we post it on our own page....
I promise you it will be easier once you have a plan ahead.... this is definitely the worse part the waiting....
Do you have a breast care Nurse?
have you been told you can go see a psychologist under medicare.... ask your GP for a Mental Health Plan and then you can see a psychologist best decision I made. Maybe there is a social worker/counsellor attached to the Cancer Section of your hospital. You will find that we get you we understand the anxiety of this roller coaster ride... It is ok to be feeling low and in shock... we are happy to say we all need to vent our frustrations and emotions and that we want you to know we are here to listen and help you navigate the way forward.
Hugs and Energy
Soldier Crab2 -
@Bowie . We all know that feeling. The fear takes over every waking thought and in your dreams too.
I remember crying constantly as that is what I do with severe stress. So cooking tea...crying. showering crying. Someone snarly with me...burst into tears. I couldn't possibly work. I had to attend my SIL funeral who had died of endometrial cancer the day of my biopsy. I was going to speak at her funeral ..but I got there saw her coffin and just went to pieces thinking that this would be me and my children soon. I didn't do the eulogy. I did support my nieces and nephew and brother over Christmas which was 2 days later. I kept my diagnosis secret to all but my husband. The distraction was good to be honest. But the nights were awful and once home again (300km) the waiting overwhelmed me again. But I promise you once you have those results and a treatment plan it does really get a bit easier.
Your friends might not know how to support you. Knowing someone with breast cancer newly diagnosed can be confronting. What we can do though is ask for help. Reach out. Let people know you need them. Ring a friend or family or use facebook...however you do it and ask if people could if they take you out for a cuppa. Could someone come and bring a meal and stay and share. Let them know you need them and need distraction. Being always strong often means people don't realise you need them to lean on.
Also the cancer council has telephone support and has a wealth of information
We are here to listen. You can do this. You are normal. We've got your back. Kath x1 -
Everything is scarier at 4 in the morning! I doubt if anyone ever had a really good idea when sleepless and anxious. Talk to your GP about a Psychologist or counsellor to assist but some sleeping pills (temporary) wouldn't go amiss either. We all need help at different times, that alone takes some getting used to. I was fine during chemo but found a counsellor invaluable about getting my head around what I wanted to do next. Many of us share that awful feeling - this is the end of the life I know - but so often it's just the start (OK, very abrupt and alarming) of the next part of our lives and there is much to look forward to. It will get easier, just concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other for the moment. Think of the good things in your life, don't let cancer occupy all of your thinking (it's easily done). When it gets too much, sit back and breathe deeply. One step, one breath at a time and you will get through this.1
Dear @Bowie, I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis and fear. Many of us feel anxiety and depression in our lives. As Soldier Crab says, counseling is definitely a great idea. You can also ring the Cancer Council for phone counselling. My oncologist gave me a referral to a free cancer counselling service where I live.
Once you get going on the treatment you will feel better which is surprising but is, I think, partly that you feel action is being taken and also you have a plan of action. You will meet some wonderful nurses, doctors, radiation people along the way. They make a huge difference.
I too found some of my friends didn't step up to show they cared or to help. I was very upset about this. It's seems to be pretty common, I don't know if things would have been different if I had been better at asking for help. Along the way some other people stepped up and gave me some wonderful support. This seems to be a common experience. So you will make some new friends. I made a friend talking to a nice looking woman waiting in the surgeon's waiting room. She also had breast cancer. Going through something like cancer treatment is a great way to bond. Bosom Buddies is also a way to meet and talk to special women who have been through what you are going through and survived. Keep reaching out to your children, they are young and don't know what to do. You have to gently encourage them to help you.
The cancer treatment is tough but we make it through, even those of us who are not so strong or young. It turns out we are stronger than we realize. Hollywood movies have portrayed chemotherapy as dreadful with vomiting etc. but be assured it isn't normally that bad and there are many drugs to take that help. I got constipation for a few days after each treatment, I had simple medication from the chemist for that, then a day of diarrhea with again simple chemist medication to sort that out. I never vomited. I did have nausea but I had drugs to help with it. If the first drugs aren't strong enough, there are much stronger ones available. You have to be an advocate for yourself and ask. There are a lot of people out there in the system who are there to help you. I recently met a woman who had chemo on a Friday and played tennis in the Saturday, some people cope better than you would imagine.
Having said all of that, yes it's dreadful getting a diagnosis of cancer and having to go through treatment. There are hard days now and ahead. It's ok to feel overwhelmed and sad and frightened. I did too. But it's going to be ok. Treatment will end eventually.
at the hospital and from the Cancer Council and this site also there are really helpful booklets about diet, treatment etc. really worth getting.
This site is so helpful and supportive. Please keep us posted how you are going.
Very best wishes Karen1 -
Oh Bowie - how are you today? I can see the ladies have given some very good advice. Easier said than done but worrying doesn't make it any better!
As to friends and family, well that is where this forum comes into it's own and helps you through the tough emotional time that you're experiencing at present and it was great of @Soldier Crab to put your thoughts into the discussion area so we could see it and help you through.
Friends, family, they all mean well but they haven't walked in your shoes. You said in your post you've got Rhuemotoid Arthritis, ouch! I can imagine that has been hard yards for you as well as.
On the day of my diagnosis, my husband was with me and we were assigned to a Counsellor; it was obvious to us then it wasn't going to be a good day! She gave us some coping mechanisms and the main one I remember is when you are starting to feel anxious is to pat yourself down, pat your arms, pat your legs and say to yourself, yes this is me, I am still here and it brings you into the now! She also suggested to my husband to be the gatekeeper and keep the negative people out and surround yourself with positive people and positive thoughts! There are lots of positive people on this forum, all at varying stages of treatment and some doing better than others!
Try and turn your time into perhaps writing a list of what you want to do or needs doing, shopping, cleaning, mending, laundry, cooking, check out online groceries, all the little things that are the everyday so you can get on top of these chores or that you maybe able to delegate or get some outside help with! or If the everyday is something you don't want to cope with at present, turn your thoughts to that book you haven't finished reading or that project you've always wanted to do! There is a post on here at present that may interest you!
Deep breath and take it easy and I hope your shopping was successful today!
Take care3 -
Hi there as usual great encouragement from ladies who have been there. I'm nearly 5 years post and breathing the air, I remember crying to at everything my ensuite mirror was my best friend to talk to,yes crazy but good. I bought a dress for my funeral and it's still hanging, I bought a $40 box of chocs and ate them before my scans. I laugh now. 1 year ago I had a new diagnosis a rare blood cancer. The black hole would eat me but no I thought yes I'm allowed to be pissed but I can't let the big c become me and control my life, I have to control it, so you cry you be pissed but don't let the monster eat you! Xxxxxx adean3
Hi Bowie yes the middle of the night is hard, I always found that was when my brain switched on and I started to imagine the worst. The ladies have given you good advice we are all here for you. We all understand even though every ones trip can be so different. One day at a time, once you start treatment you will slide in to some sort of routine. Look for a support group in your area. Hope you are feeling better now. Sending you a hug xxx0
@Bowie you will not be alone on this journey. Every week of chemo I met friendly happy compassionate nurses.No body does chemo alone. If you have side effects the nurses, cancer council or local gp are only a phone call away. I was not surrounded by an army of friends and family. Whenever everything becomes too much sit in a chair or lie on your bed and let your body go limp. Relax your leg arm etc Feel the tension in each part of your body and go limp.You will be amazed at how much tension you have. It is normal for you to be worried .It does get better.
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The middle of the night is the most difficult time. But like we have said before, this is a long journey of small steps @Bowie : be kind to yourself, take care and understand that it is ok to be overwhelmed. As @Afraser has said, once you have your treatment plan in place, things will be clearer and easier to manage. Thinking of you
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Why not have a look at @melclarity 's discussion about the simple yet positive things?
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I spent a lot of my time living vicariously through watching uplifting movies and series. It took my mind off me for a little while and gave me a bit of a break. I even read books written by cancer sufferers which had things way worse than I did so I felt a little bit more blessed that I wasn't as bad off as them.
I liked to think the chemo was destroying the old cells including the cancerous ones and I was getting new for old replacements minus the cancerous ones. Just think of it as a rebirth. Drink plenty of water and even though it hurts, be brave and keep up the exercise.
PS- if you want to, you could put your location and any one of us if in your area could help out with some shopping when you are down for a bit. I have my location next to my name and if anyone else on this forum needs a chat or a helping hand in my area, just pm me. Just happy to help.2 -
Hi ...Thankyou all so much for your wonderful and caring posts and hugs to you all ..Well l must say l went to the shops and drove had a bit of a panic in supermarket but just kept going ..l did it got food came home and felt empowered ..yeh weird but got a bit of my independence back ...Im stuffed but good stuffed ...l am going to my gp tomozz and will put some things in place to better my mental side ...l am feeling a lot better today and will embrace ...l am going to start my jigsaw puzzle later ..l wish l could have all you guys in my lounge for huge hugs but you will have to have huge cyber hugs ...xxxxxx9
OH @Bowie
we all wish that we could be there also.... I love jigsaw puzzles.
What style of jigsaw are you doing ?
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I'm the sort of weird agnostic who plugs her headphones into Songs of Praise on the treadmill at the gym on a Sunday morning! This morning this verse made me think of all the people on this site:
I will weep when you are weeping,
When you laugh, I'll laugh with you.
I will share your joys and sorrows,
Till we see this journey through.
Happy day all.5 -
@Bowie I absolutely felt every bit of you with your post. Thanks @Soldier Crab for putting this in a discussion for us all. No words can explain to someone not having been where you are right in this moment, but knowing we are absolutely all here and most importantly understand the intense complexity of everything you say. This is the one place I can be incredibly REAL and HONEST about everything to do with this relentless journey! There are empowering moments and Im so glad though youre stuffed you found one just by getting some food!!! There are incredibly soul destroying moments when we do question HOW we are going to do any of it..where will it end up...we just dont know. All we have is this moment. I LOVE PUZZLES TOO!!! I like all of us would love to be in your lounge right now encouraging and supporting...and in a way we are...hang in there! You really will surprise yourself! Big hugs Melinda xo3