Financial assistance ?

Tam007 Member Posts: 7
ive recently been diagnosed ( core biopsy today


  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    Hi @Tam007. Are you seeking financial assitance? This page was created for people with metastatic breast cancer and is currently being updated, but there are some resources there that you might find useful:
  • Tam007
    Tam007 Member Posts: 7
    Sorry must of posted in wrong group
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    Hi @Tam007. This isn't a group; it's the main discussion area. If you're looking for the groups, click here:
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
     did the links that Cosette put up help or have you still got questions... it is a lot to get our heads and emotions around when we are first diagnosed. I remember  you saying in your first post that you are a sun contractor... so you will maybe have no income if you cant work... Am I right?  you will be entitled to sickness benefit from centrelink.... Happy to listen and help you find what you need to ... hugs Alice aka Soldier Crab 
  • Tam007
    Tam007 Member Posts: 7
    Centrelink have told me I'm not eligible xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hi Tam007, is that for Sickness Allowance? I went through this last year, I could get it but they estimated I needed to spend at least $7000 of my own savings and completely ceased work before it would kick in. USELESS! This year however, I found a component in one of my Supers, VicSuper that have income protection. I only found out this year post Chemo and it was  a 3 month waiting period. I then got backpaid 6 months lost wages. Currently I work 3 and get paid 2 through income protection and it lasts 2 years but they only pay up to 85%. Not all Supers have this built in however, it was sheer luck as I had no other way of income and am a single parent so it was tough not working for 4 months. Melinda xo