Meeting family for the first time.

Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
edited October 2016 in Day to day
It was a long 5 hours there and 5 hours home road trip but I met my dad for the second time ever yesterday. He is undergoing chemo for bone mets but at 76 the treatment cant be too harsh so he is having several doses in increasing amounts. The first time I met him in April I had no hair as I had must finished chemo and this time it was the other way around and he had very little hair left. He is certainly a trouper and doesn't complain about it at all even though he must have terrible pain. He has Morphine patches now which last for a week to help him cope.

I also got to meet a brother and a sister as well who I had never met nor pre last year didn't know they existed. Only one more sister to catch up with one of these days and I have met all. I have not one brother and one sister like I thought, but 3 brothers and 3 sisters!


  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Oh wow, I can only imagine what that feels like.  It must be so exciting and a little bit sad at the same time.    :)
  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    I am so glad you followed through with this Brenda.....Bittersweet as it may be.......I hope you make some memories that will be cherished forever
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Brenda - how fantastic that you are lucky enough to meet and share time with your dad and your new family members!! That's certainly a slightly bigger family than you used to have :) Excellent!! Xx Cath
  • Tarnya74
    Tarnya74 Member Posts: 43
    Good to hear your meeting went well. After my bc diagnosis, i told contacted my birth father for the first. I have spoken to him on the phone but i am yet to meet him. Your successful reunion gives me hope that our meeting will happen one day. 
  • Tracey62
    Tracey62 Member Posts: 298
    Brenda what an amazing life you have lived! So glad you are getting good times and LOVE your hair! The gift of meeting family well worth the ten hour round trip xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Brenda that is wonderful and a great surprise to learn of more family! xo
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    So happy for you Brenda enjoy the connections you are making xox 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,805
    Hi Brenda - can't imagine for one moment what it must feel like!  Your photo says it all you look so happy!  Enjoy getting to know the extended family.  Happy times, take care