World turned upside down!

I have had surgery for the removal of a malignant lump in the right breast and 9 lymph nodes.
I had a drain taken out 2 days ago and now feel that under my arm is getting quite swollen and sore. Thinking this is a build up of fluid but this is all new to me and would love to hear from anyone who has been through this.
I am scheduled for day surgery on Monday as they didn't quite reach the margins around the lump in the breast so guess I will wait until then and see what they think?
Don't know how to do this.... Chemo will come next ...........
If under your arm is getting sore and hot and red, go get it checked out! Swelling is pretty normal though and settles after a week or so. You can also ask advice when you go in for day surgery tomorrow. Hope it all goes well.
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Please go and get your arm checked out as soon as you can. I had the same and put it down to the surgery only to find out further down the track I had Lymphodema. My BCN didnt warn me to be on the look out for this. Nor my surgeons, it was picked up by a Nurse when I started Radiotherapy. I have it under control now, but please get it checked out.
Hope everything is going well for you today hun,
Mechell,, love and light
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Had my second surgery today and will see what he has to say when I have follow up visit next week - hopefully no more surgery needed. He checked out under my arm and did drain some fluid out while I was out so should relieve the problem. Still feeling no pain right now - nice to feel numb for a while! Have appointments to talk about chemo and radiation next Monday so will get some clarification on what's coming next. What a roller coaster already!0
wow this so brings back memories , yes it is all so hard to take in and understand . i also had a grade three in the right breast had a partial mast and 15 lymphnodes had chemo and radio . had a second op due to a infection not long after removal of tubes etc. it is a long road but it will get better . i am living proof of that. if you have ANY issues that worry you arm swelling armpit pain , fluid . hotness of skin redness of sking just anything ring your breast care nurse or is having chemo i found the chemo bc nurse a god send , plus this site is wonderful. i hope by the time you read this that you are feeling allot better. and there are so many sites and advice here too and no subject to do with breast cancer is off limits , but is all confidential. hopefully you are getting family and friend support or maybe you have a local support group. every feeling you go through is normal and i know at times i thought i was going crazy or just cried for no reason but this is normal and we are all sisters and here for you . my love and strength to you.
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I am getting so much support from you guys already and it's greatly appreciated! Liked to kid myself I could figure this out by myself but this is a whole new ball game and I need help. I have an abundance of support from my husband, family and friends but still feel very alone at times with a million questions! Talking with people who have been through this is going to be essential, I can see that now.0
You have made a good start here hun,, Being a self-reliant person I found I had to learn to ask for help! Crazy insane lady! I hope to hear good results back, glad you got some relief,, I had a lot of drainage problems, but I wont freak you out with it all now,, Just rest and heal and remember its all about you! xx
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before we are diagnosed with Breast Cancer I think we all have an idea about it but don't really know, when we are thrown in the deep end we realise our preconcieved ideas were very wrong.
This is the best place to come for support, guidance and just plain venting if you need it.
Good luck with everything, there are a number of groups in Melbourne that meet, personally I find this helps me.
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Hope the arm swelling has been seen to now.
I had surgery 8 years ago ( lumpectomy and full axilliary clearance) and had some swelling in arm and breast so wore a preventative sleeve for all 8 of my chemo treatments, 33 radiotherapy and a further year of 3 weekly infusions of Herceptin. wore the garment for a few days after each infusion till the swelling went down. My surgeon encouraged me to do a 5 session lymphoedema program before my chemo started. This was fully covered by my health fund - perhaps you should ask your medical team about this.
Did my lymphoedema exercises vigilently and wore garment but still got "full blown lymphoedema" 5 years later.
Not sure where you are geographically as this would help people know if they could meet up with you. The upper North shore of the Lymphoedema Group of NSW is having its final meeting of the year tomorrow Tuesday 11th November at 6 pm ASquith Leagues club opposite Waitara station if thats of any use for you. Others meet different nights or during the day.
your pink and green(lymphie) sister